申请(专利权)人: 松下電器産業株式会社 发明人:熱田 裕史,片野 光詞,西井 完治 摘要: PURPOSE:To speed up an operation by using a readout control means which varies the scanning line readout order of one right or left CCD element and a couple of space optical modulating elements whose ...
申请(专利权)人: KURIHARA YOSHE 栗原 良枝 ASAHI DENKA KOGYO KK 旭電化工業株式会社 发明人:K Yoshe,栗原 良枝 摘要: NEW MATERIAL:A substance for improvement of taste having an amino acid sequence represented by the formula. USE:A sweetening substance for foods, beverages, feeds, pet foods, ...
申请(专利权)人: 日本電気株式会社 发明人: 則枝 真 摘要: An information terminal (100) is provided with a display device (20), a position detection unit (30) for detecting the position of a portion subject to the presentation of a sense of tactile force, an information processing unit (...
申请(专利权)人: 日立テクノエンジニアリング株式会社 发明人:武善 茂知,藤井 健二郎,鈴木 健司,志村 安規 摘要: PURPOSE:To easily and accurately execute the setting of a measuring line and to efficiently execute measuring work by using the diagonal vertex of a rectangle as two point to ...
申请(专利权)人: JAPAN STEEL WORKS LTD:THE 株式会社日本製鋼所 发明人:I Tatsu,伊福部 達,I Takashi,泉隆,I Shuichi,井野 秀一,S Toshiharu,清水 俊治,M Masahiko,室 正彦 摘要: PURPOSE: To recognize a touch sense by fingers, etc., by converting the information detected by the artifical ...