select * from user_sequences 1. 2、创建 创建序列需要CREATE SEQUENCE系统权限。序列的创建语法如下: CREATE SEQUENCE 序列名 [INCREMENT BY n] [START WITH n] [{MAXVALUE/ MINVALUE n| NOMAXVALUE}] [{CYCLE|NOCYCLE}] [{CACHE n| NOCACHE}]; 其中: INCREMENT BY用于定义序列的步长,如果省略,则默认...
在Oracle数据库中,可以通过以下SQL语句来查看数据库中的序列: ="hljs">="hljs-keyword">SELECTsequence_name ="hljs-keyword">FROMuser_sequences; 该查询将返回当前用户下所有的序列名称。如果想要查看所有用户的序列,可以使用以下SQL语句: ="hljs">="hljs-keyword">SELECTsequence_name ="hljs-keyword">FRO...
2.3、a用户下授权查询所有序列给b用户 select'grant select on '|| sequence_name || ' to b;'from dba_sequences where sequence_owner='A'; 2.4、--Oracle查询用户视图 select * from user_views; 2.5、a用户下授权查询视图给test11用户 select'grant select on a.'|| view_name || ' to test11;'...
基于order by不和distribute by、sort by同时使用,group by也不和distribute by、sort by同时使用的限制,常见select语句的执行顺序如下: 场景1:from->where->group by->having->select->order by->limit 场景2:from->where->select->distribute by->sort by 为避免混淆,MaxCompute支持以执行顺序书写查询语句,语法...
from where group by having order by distribute by sort by limit 基於order by不和distribute by、sort by同時使用,group by也不和distribute by、sort by同時使用的限制,常見select語句的執行順序如下: 情境1:from->where->group by->having->select->order by->limit ...
The output of the START WITH statement is returned level by level. However, there is no sequence guarantee at each level because the database automatically selects the optimal execution path during each round of query. In the preceding example, A is output first, but the sequence of B, C,...
if sCount = 0then executeimmediate'create unique index uk_ppos_notice_relateinfo_idxl on ppos_notice_relateinfo (NOTICE_ID,USER_ID) tablespace HS_SYSTEM_IDX'; endif; selectcount(*)intosCountfromuser_sequences uswhereus.sequence_name =upper('SEQ_ppos_notice_relateinfo'); ...
These sequences are interpreted as ASCII 0 (a zero-valued byte) and NULL. For more information about \-escape syntax, see Section 6.1.1. In certain cases, field and line handling options interact: If LINES TERMINATED BY is an empty string and FIELDS TERMINATED BY is non-empty, lines are...
CreateSequenceStatement CreateServerAuditSpecificationStatement CreateServerAuditStatement CreateServerRoleStatement CreateServiceStatement CreateSpatialIndexStatement CreateStatisticsStatement CreateSymmetricKeyStatement CreateSynonymStatement CreateTableStatement CreateTriggerStatement CreateTypeStatement CreateTypeTableStatement ...
获取select 语句中 from 后面的 where 条件语句: IFS_OLD=$IFS IFS=$'\n' fori in cat /tmp/select_arri.log ;doecho ${i#*'from'}; done | less IFS=$IFS_OLD arrival_record arrivalrec0_ where arrivalrec0_.sequence='2019-03-27 08:40'and arrivalrec0_.product_id=17and arrivalrec0_....