一种常见的方法是使用SELECT语句,并在查询结果中返回一个值以判断数据是否存在。其中,SELECT 1 FROM table是一种常用的方式来判断数据是否存在。 SELECT 1 FROM table 在SQL Server中,当我们使用SELECT 1 FROM table语句时,如果查询结果返回了至少一行数据,则说明表中存在数据;如果查询结果为空,则说明表中不存在数...
IF EXISTS(Select * FROM table Where ID = PARAMID) THEN SELECT CURDATE() AS 'DATE'; ELSE SELECT CURTIME() AS 'TIME'; END IF; Subject Views Written By Posted IF EXISTS for SELECT statements 98476 Tom Dean July 07, 2005 01:37PM ...
sql中的连接查询有... join使用on条件时,select* 相当于把两个表(左表有m列p行和右表有n列q行)的所有列拼接成了一个有m+n列的结果表。select*fromtable1 full join 智能推荐 Hbase Table already exists: CDH重新安装过之后,打开HBase shell,建表的时候报错:表已经存在;list查看,没有表; 问题原因:...
if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 5 判断视图是否存在 Sql代码 --SQL Server 2000 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysviews WHERE object_id = ’[dbo].[视图名]’ ...
if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 5 判断视图是否存在 Sql代码 --SQL Server 2000 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysviews WHERE object_id = ’[dbo].[视图名]’ ...
select * from table where 1=1中的1=1是什么意思?就是条件为真的意思,就这条语句来说就等同于select * from table(1=1就是条件为真)select * from table where 1=1这样写一般是编程时查询语句有判断拼接条件时用的 如 :str=“select * from table where”;if(a=1){str=str+" ...
if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 if object_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’) is not null drop table #临时表名 5 判断视图是否存在 Sql代码 --SQL Server 2000 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysviews WHERE object_id = ’[dbo].[视图名]’ ...
select 1 from table 与Select * from table在用法上大同小异,具体不同分析见下文:1、select 1 from mytable;与select anycol(目的表集合中的任意一行) from mytable;与select * from mytable 作用上来说是没有差别的,都是查看是否有记录,一般是作条件用的。select 1 from 中的1是一常量,...
if exists(select * from sysobjects where [name]='scoreTable') drop table scoreTable go create table scoreTable ( stuName char(10), courseName char(10), score int ) go insert scoreTable values('张三','语文',80) insert scoreTable values('张三','数学',86) ...
if exists(SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE id=@id) begin // do something here... end Any help would be greatly appreciated! On another note, I read that there are plans, or at least a feature request, to support something along the lines of T-SQL's @@ERROR, where in you can check if ...