postgres@[local:/tmp]:2004=#34126 show wal_log_hints ; wal_log_hints--- on (1 row) postgres@[local:/tmp]:2004=#34126 select context from pg_settings where name = 'wal_log_hints'; context--- postmaster (1 row) postgres@[local:/tmp]:2004=#34126 alter system set wal_log_hints=...
mysql使用show variables like '%name%'; pg要查看参数的值 show 参数; 比如show max_connections; 或者select name,settings from pg_settings where name like '%connect%'; 要显示所有的,也可以 show all; 查看参数文件中所有的参数,可以使用 ; select * from pg_file_settings;...
$idCon1 = mysql_select_db($dbName, $idCon);break;case"pg":if($connectType =="c") { $idCon = pg_connect($connect ." user=". $username ." password=". $password ." dbname=". $dbName); }else{ $idCon = pg_pconnect($connect ." user=". $username ." password=". $password ...
```undefinedrudonx=# select * from pg_stat_subsc... 避免在INSERTINTO/SELECT语句中出现重复的键。 -相关内容 如何解决MySQL中73924返回值为0的问题 # 问题描述客户在含有自增主键的表格中成功插入数据后,使用73924 查询,发现返回值为 0# 问题分析因为默认会用到 MySQL 的连接池复用功能,不同语句不能保证一...
Tag:pg_read_all_settings System roles – what, why, how? Not everyone knows, but at since PostgreSQL 9.6, we have some built-in roles. Of course, there is always superuser (usually calledpostgres), but I'm not talking about it. I'm talking aboutmagicalroles that have names starting ...
可以通过如下命令来查看参数的生效的方式:```Plain Textpostgres=#selectdistinct(context) from pg_settings;```# 用户场景用户想设置参数 max_parallel_workers 和 ma... 技术服务知识库 如何将docker存储驱动为overlay # 问题描述docker在ubuntu 20.04.4默认的存储驱动是overlay2,如何修改为overlay。# 问题分析...
create function public.list_settings() returns setof pg_catalog.pg_settings as $$ select * from pg_catalog.pg_settings; $$ language sql security definer; The security definer means that the function always runs with the privileges of the user who created the function (the superuser). Then...
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM ". $dbprefix ."eventmessages WHERE event_id = '". $eventID ."' ORDER BY dateposted DESC");while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $objMember->select($row['member_id']); $memInfo = $objMember->get_info_filtered();if($memInfo['profil...
SELECT typcategory FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE 1<>1 LIMIT 1 SELECT version() select * from pg_catalog.pg_settings SELECT db.oid,db.* FROM pg_catalog.pg_database db WHERE datname='kumasi' SHOW search_path SELECT current_schema(),session_user ...
select name,setting from pg_settings where name='default_transaction_isolation'; 创建测试表AMOUNT: CREATE TABLE AMOUNT (id varchar(10),money numeric(6,2))distribute by hash(id) to group default_group; 插入测试数据: insert into amount(id,money) values('A', 800);insert into amount(id,money...