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Nathan's second-hand bike was good enough to get him anywhere he wanted to go. Of course, it couldn't match Tim's in a normal speed race, but all the fancy gears in the world wouldn't get you up Black Mountain. The gradient was so steep in places that you had to get off your...
Naturewas how it felt at the time, an engagement with the wild. But in England, nature and culture are so intimately entwined that their categorical separation is a false distinction. At the lake at Walhampton, the two were fused. The rhododendron jungle where we hid our bikes was made up...
pete on the other hand, after eighteen years at the cat food lab on terminal island can't wait to trade that "real job" for one where he plays organ, sings and tours. it's a trippy world and I love both my guys much. lots of gambling billboards on the roadsides. yesterday, ...
thing was giant, double the height of the trees in the Forrest surrounding it, la ter i find out that it's a resort, and there's a man made beach inside, far out. I've heard there's the same sorta thing in tokyo, but instead of the ocean, it's a mountain, and you can ski...