Figure 7. Holocene eustatic sea-level change (a) and marine and land transition map on the west coast of Bohai Bay (b), China. DownLoad: Full-Size Img PowerPoint After the correction of the local (residence time effect due to re-transport, subsidence of geotectonic, subsidence caused ...
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A refined relative sea level (RSL) history spanning the past 14,300 calendar years is described for the Quadra Island area in the northern Strait of Georgia on the Pacific coast of Canada. Here marine shorelines dating to the time of earliest post-glacial emergence are at least 197 m abo...
Such retreat is likely to trigger extensive ice loss of the WAIS8,9, contributing as much as 3.4 m to global sea level over the next several centuries10. Fig. 1: Map of Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica, showing sites mentioned in the text. Our study locations are shown in bold ...
a Base Pliocene structural map (= MES). b Restored topography for the earliest Pliocene immediately after sea level recovery and prior to any Pliocene deposition (shale parameters for decompaction and Te = 30 km for deflection, same as Fig. 2 f). The isobath 650 m represents th...
“Continuous” data refers to time series of annual averages of monthly mean data from long term sea level monitoring sites, as traditionally used by the PSMSL. “Campaign” data refers to sea level averaged over shorter term survey periods, from portable tide gauges levelled in to fixed land...
Satellite altimetry over the oceans shows that the rate of sea-level rise is far from uniform, with reported regional rates up to two to three times the global mean rate of rise of ~3.3 mm/year during the altimeter era. The mechanisms causing the regional variations in sea-level trends are...
Sea level rise seen along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts over the last decade are "unprecedented in at least 120 years," scientists found.
The rate of global-mean sea-level rise since 1900 has varied over time, but the contributing factors are still poorly understood1. Previous assessments found that the summed contributions of ice-mass loss, terrestrial water storage and thermal expansion of the ocean could not be reconciled with ...
The shaded region covers the time interval examined within the present analysis and the orange rectangles mark the bounds on MIS 5a and MIS 3 sea level based on the plotted data (MIS 5a: 2.5–7.5 m; MIS 3: −1 to 1 m). The white star on the inset map marks the location of...