The front and back covers are also wider than those of traditional binders in order to be able to cover divider tabs and sheet protectors. The 36" chain also ensures that your safety data sheets stay hooked into your SDS binder holder or rack so that they all stay in one place. The ...
日本大金铁氟龙 sds-tg-9011-E_20151002.pdf,Page 1/5 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 02.10.2015 Version number 1 Revision: 02.10.2015 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.
6.AccidentalReleaseMeasures Eliminateallignitionsources.Absorbspillwithvermiculiteorotherinertmaterial,thenplaceinacontainerforchemicalwaste. Forlargespills:Usewaterspraytodispersevaporsandflushspillarea.Preventrunofffromenteringdrains,sewers,orstreams. --- 7.HandlingandStorage Keepcontainerstightlyclosed.Keepcontainersc...
查Datasheet、查价格、查替代料 搜索一键BOM配单LTL2V3SSDS-132A 厂商: LITEON(光宝) 封装: 描述: LTL2V3SSDS-132A - Property of Lite-On Only - Lite-On Technology Corporation 数据手册:下载LTL2V3SSDS-132A.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 LTL2V3SSDS-132A 数据手册 LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION...