动态链接库包含 3 个部分: •头文件 (Library.h) •库文件(Windows 的Library.lib 或 *nix 的libLibrary.a) •二进制文件(Windows 的Library.dll 或*nix 的Library.so) ✨你的编译器需要能够在编译时找到头文件,以便它知道SDL 函数和结构是什么。可以将编译器配置为在 SDL 头文件所在的附加目录中进行...
一个动态链接库有3个部分。 头文件(Library.h) 库文件 (Library.lib for windows or libLibrary.a for *nix) 二进制文件(Windows的Library.dll或*nix的Library.so) 您的编译器在编译时需要能够找到头文件,以便它知道SDL_Init()和其他SDL函数和结构是什么。您可以配置您的编译器在SDL头文件所在的额外目录中搜...
cpp) find_library(ANDROID_LOG_LIBRARY log) target_link_libraries(hidapi ${ANDROID_LOG_LIBRARY}) 在SDL2根目录下的CMakeList.txt进行修改 SDL2根目录下的CMakeList.png 找到SDL_SHARED库定义的地方 SDL_SHARED库编译定义的位置.png 修改成如下 如注释中所见,添加了 判断,如果是Android的话,就添加hidapi库...
Possibility to develop C++ SFML games with SDL 2(Your SFML games will run on the SDL 2 library! Yes, yes it is possible!). Book for Code::Block users for the moment! Support for Android x64 architectures: Now you can export your C++ games to several Android architectures (armeabi-v7a...
I can try using some library other than SDL, but not really sure which one I should try. And in that case, I would also appreciate the actual code I should compile so I can avoid some pitfalls which might result in the program not working. ...
二进制文件(Windows 的Library.dll 或*nix 的Library.so) ✨你的编译器需要能够在编译时找到头文件,以便它知道SDL 函数和结构是什么。可以将编译器配置为在 SDL 头文件所在的附加目录中进行搜索,或者将头文件与编译器附带的其余头文件一起放入。如果编译器提示找不到 SDL.h,则意味着头文件不在编译器查找头文件...
右键打开项目的属性窗口,找到 C/C++,添加附加包含目录: 4. 添加 library 目录 将lib目录添加配置进来: 5. 添加"附加依赖项" 先找到属性-->链接器--> 输入---> 附加依赖项,添加附加依赖项:SDL2.lib;SDL2main.lib; 6. 编写HelloWorld代码,验证环境配置 ...
6)Restart Visual C++ so it can get the updated path variable, and the application should run. Now that you have the extension library compiling, it's time to go onto part 2 of the tutorial. Extension Libraries and Loading Other Image Formats Part 2: Loading PNGs with SDL_image...
13)Now go download thesource for lesson 06. Add the source file inside to your project. Now build. If there are any errors, make sure you didn't skip a step. Now that you have the extension library compiling, it's time to go onto part 2 of the tutorial....
Configuration Properties -- C/C++ -- Code Generation -- Runtime Library:修改为:Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)Configuration Properties -- Linker -- Input -- Additional Dependencies:添加:SDL.lib SDLmain.lib大概如此,楼下上扩展库。 LP_Cong 高手寂寞 11 所谓扩展库就是扩展用的,深入SDL开发时所需,新学...