TARGET 4.2 EQUAL ACCESS TO QUALITY PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION 目标4.2:优质学前教育平等准入 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.到2030年,确保所有女孩和男孩都能接受优...
這些 Cookie 不會存儲任何個人身份可識別資料。 開啟設定 功能型 功能型 Cookie 有助於執行某些功能,例如在社交媒體平臺上分享網站內容、收集回饋以及其他第三方功能。 開啟設定 分析 及 效能相關 分析型 分析型 Cookie 用於瞭解訪問者如何與網站互動。這些 Cookie 幫助提供有關諸如訪問者數量、跳出率、流量來源等...
TARGET 4.2 EQUAL ACCESS TO QUALITY PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION 目标4.2:优质学前教育平等准入 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education. 到2030年,确保所有女孩和男孩都能接受优质的... 2024年度世界大学影响力排名 SDG-4 优质教育 单项排名Top 5 5. 伊斯坦布尔理工大学|Istanbul Technical University 伊斯坦布尔理工大学;图|Study in Tur...
This chapter presents the business models of 49 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-4, Quality Education. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.Küfeolu, ...
从东帝汶联想全球,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,教育非易事,改善教育发展也不可一蹴而就。SDG4 – Quality Education的成功必将需要更多有志之士为此义无反顾、赴汤蹈火。 原文作者:Yuan Meng 责任编辑:Jeanie 排版设计:Echo 更多内容请关注微信公众号UNTP组委会...
SDG 4. Quality Education Special Award “责任100 | CSR中国教育榜”于2014年在政策指导下设立,旨在发现和表彰支持中国教育的优秀企业社会责任项目。截至2022年,共有594家知名中外企业申报,专家委员会累计评选出230家企业的412个优秀CSR项目案例。 “责任100 ...
The ranking for SDG 4: quality education is led by Aalborg University in Denmark. The top 10 is largely dominated by Asia, with two institutions from Hong Kong, two from Turkey, two from Pakistan, one from India and one from Bahrain. Pakistan has the highest number of universities in the...
Use GIS to assess and encourage inclusive and equitable education for all.
more than 57 million children still do not attend primary school1. Sustainable Development Goal 4Quality educationis part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and is committed to this: everyone, everywhere in the world, should have access to quality education. Jans...