ESX v1 Final, ESX v1.2 or ESX Legacy Can be easily modified for other frameworks bixbi_core OneSync Legacy. Infinity Version Here NH-Keyboard Feel free to modify / rename things to your liking. I just ask that you keep my name (Leah#0001) in the credits of the fxmanifest.About...
Vim users can simply install either sbdchd/neoformat, w0rp/ale, or prettier/vim-prettier, for more details see this directory. Visual Studio Code Can be installed using the extension sidebar. Search for Prettier - JavaScript formatter. Can also be installed using ext install prettier-vscode. Che...
(method: HttpMethodCalls, endpoint: string, body: Req): Promise<Res> { const options: rp.Options = { uri: `http://localhost:${UE4_SERVER_PORT}${endpoint}`, method, body: omitBy(body, isUndefined), json: true }; d('>> request', options) const result = await rp(options) as Res...