SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox is a free survival horror game, based on SCP - Containment Breach. The events of the game take place in a containment site of The SCP Foundation, a secret organization dedicated to containing and researching anomalous artifacts and entities referred to as SCPs that ...
SCP:九尾狐的故事 SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox 826819热度 恐怖射击角色扮演动作 账号类型 独享 ¥9原价:¥20 会员价:¥9账号可提取一人一号 会员价购买立即购买 服务保障 售后政策:购买3小时内支持退款 (仅共享) 内容保障:官方正版游戏 质保政策:平台终身质保 投诉举报联系客服...
你是狐步舞第一分队的指挥官。“九尾狐”,一个训练有素的部队,他们的任务是在一个秘密的设施内重新收容许多可怕的生物。 类型:战术,射击,冒险,独立 视角:第一人称视角 版本:EA 抢先体验 独立扩展包 模式:大型多人,合作,单人,多人 主题:动作,恐怖,生存 ...
Their old in-game model is the same as the Guards. Aside from the Nine-Tailed Fox logo on their vests, the only real difference between the two is their bodysuits: the MTFs have black ones, while the Guards have white ones. A new model is currently being developed for Epsilon-11. ...
SCP Nine-Tailed Fox Mod 只看楼主收藏回复 lhz20031103 混乱连连 6 单人Keter6波,成功收容SCP-035!!! 送TA礼物 来自手机贴吧1楼2023-08-26 20:45回复 维维沙大琉青 混乱连连 6 厉害啊 来自Android客户端2楼2023-08-27 07:59 收起回复 O5-Tang 危在旦夕 8 厉害啊 来自Android客户端3楼...
猎鸥完美加速SCP:..猎鸥加速对SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox数据和线路做了特别优化, 解决联机卡顿掉线问题,留U体验猎鸥加速加速本游戏,建议先开本游戏的加速,然后在启动steam,最后启动游戏即可
All in all, SCP : Secret Files is a great little exploration game that offers a narrative-driven atmospheric plot. While itdoesn’t offer as many SCPsas some of the other games, it still highlights the terrifying and enchanting allure of these things—as depicted in the website. If you ...
"Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, Nine Tailed Fox, devision "[Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[NATO #], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until an MTF squad reaches your destination. All SCP subjects have been...