摘要 --Scott+Scott律师事务所,一家代表反垄断违规、证券欺诈和其他不法行为受害者的全球律师事务所,今天 。 币界网报道: 纽约,2024年5月20日/PRNewswire/-代表反垄断违规、证券欺诈和其他不法行为受害者的全球律师事务所Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law今天宣布战略性增加四家备受尊敬的反垄断合作伙伴。新加入的成员...
MarsBit消息,股东和消费者权利诉讼公司Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP宣布对Yuga Labs或其公司内部人士展开调查。
币界网报道:美国股东和消费者权益诉讼公司「Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP」(「Scott+Scott」)于本周四在美国加利福尼亚州中区地方法院对 Yuga Labs 提起诉讼,本次诉讼代表购买 Yuga Labs 旗下 NFT 的投资者提出,投资者称因购买 BAYC、MAYC 系列 NFT 和 ApeCoin(APE)而蒙受亏损。 据悉,这份长达 95 页...
其美国附属公司Scott Scott Attorneys at Law LLP在美国发起并牵头组织了针对15家银行操纵外汇市场的集体诉讼,获得超过23亿美元的和解金,并于2018年8月6日获得最终批准。集体代表还委托了以Brick Court Chambers的Daniel Jowell QC为首的一支经验丰富的律师团队。 Scott Scott管理合伙人David R. Scott表示:“美国的外...
FortneyScott is a Washington, DC-based law firm counseling and advising clients on the full spectrum of workplace-related matters. The firm offers clients unparalleled experience and expertise by its attorneys, who formerly held senior positions at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Equal Empl...
Estate Attorneys Family Law Attorneys Business Attorneys Bankruptcy Attorneys Family-Owned and Operated Law Firm in Springfield, Illinois Since 1947 For more than 75 years, Scott & Scott, P.C. has been a law firm with deep roots in Springfield, Illinois, providing thousands of clients with lega...
Practice Areas Attorneys Fox & Scott, P.L.L.C. (513) 428-1960 Located in Covington serving Northern Kentucky and and the greater Cincinnati area.
At Scott CC Immigration Law, we understand the importance of every case, and we work hard to achieve our clients’ goals as quickly as possible while protecting their rights at every stage of the legal process. Put Our Team of Attorneys on Your Side ...
A law firm is only as good as its legal team, and Schiff & Associates has one of the best in the country. For over 35 years, the personal injury attorneys at Schiff & Associates have provided legal counsel resulting in compensation for more than 50,000 Ohio residents. Our large legal ...
其美國附屬公司Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP在美國發起並領導針對15家銀行操縱外匯市場的集體訴訟,獲得超過23億美元的和解金,並於2018年8月6日獲得最終批准。集體代表還委託了以Brick Court Chambers的Daniel Jowell QC為首的一支經驗豐富的律師團隊。