I love the scoreboard mod but I've always wanted something simpler, like V2 used to do it. So I made this plugin. Damage numbers in Darktide are really big so I added an option to divide them by 10. Installation instructions Install the original Scoreboard mod ...
加特拉斯DX 铁杆吧友 9 这个得先有 scoreboard mod ,装ovenproof_scoreboard_plugin 才有用 3楼2024-10-16 09:31 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示5回复贴,共1页 <返回战锤40k暗潮吧...
plugin = plugin; timers = Lists.newArrayList(); } public void startShowing() { // 判断是否已经在运行 if (isRun) { return; } if (player == null || !player.isOnline()) { return; } isRun = true; player.setScoreboard(scoreboard); // 用于保存前15位的内容 List<String> tempList ...
A simple scoreboard plugin that is not dummy www.spigotmc.org/resources/betterboard.96393/ Topics minecraft board bukkit spigot spigot-plugin spigot-api scoreboard Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 3 stars Watchers 2 watching Forks 2 forks Report repository Releases 12...
nonebot-plugin-scoreboard 一款基于 NoneBot2 和 OneBot V11 协议的上大分 Bot。 使用方法 /上分 命令 给自己上一分,有 10 秒钟的冷却时间。 /掉分 命令 给自己掉一分,和上分共享冷却时间。 /分数 命令 查看当前群聊的分数排行。 /修改模板 命令 仅限群管理员使用。当你觉得不够爆的时候,可以修改消息模...
分享251 nukkit吧 云之燕风之眼 scoreboardplugin谁有转了一圈叼毛都没找到 分享回复赞 网球吧 风一色的碰碰胡 【澳网】country scoreboard 中国排第3 分享20赞 阿加西吧 罗兰★加洛斯 阿加西的临别感言英文原文:The scoreboard says I lost today, but what scoreboard doesn't say is what it is I have ...
'&a&lTop Kills'mob% | %kills% | %killstreak Type: '%kills%'Color: '&9'How many Players would be displayed Items: 5 Intervall-show: 300 Intervall-disappear: 300 pluginUpdate: true 以上是我的设置,用了好久了,不知道你说的魔法值是什么,RPG插件吗?不过至少可以参考下 ...
There is or is the possibility of creating a scoreboard that puts the score and time of the match on sites such as 365Score, Sofascore, Flashscore, Scorebat, Scorebar, among others, just by placing the game link and the plugin or software automatically updates the score and time about the...
will release the OCR plugin soon Reactions: AzyArt P Pierce_Myles New Member Feb 8, 2024 #6 rdasilva2021 said: Hi, I need a free software like ScoreBoard OCR for futbal live stream. If you are still looking ScoreSight.Live is a great option. Gives you the basics for free, bu...
Fabric Plugin Loader:Fabric Plugin Loader Vault:Vault Fabric Permissions API:Fabric Permissions API LuckPerms(可选):LuckPerms 下载好和MC对应的版本,把以上依赖全部放入服务端mods文件夹中即可,客户端不需要安装。 2. 安装插件 前往Releases下载和MC对应的版本,放入服务端的mods文件夹中即可,客户端不需要安装。