在不同的统计领域中,范围1和2统计口径可以有不同的定义和应用,但它们都是用来确保统计数据的准确性和可比性的重要工具。 范围1统计口径通常用于确定统计数据的覆盖范围和适用对象。在人口统计学中,范围1口径可能指的是统计数据所覆盖的人口裙体范围,包括芳龄、性莂、职业等因素。在经济统计学中,范围1口径可能指的...
间接排放(Scope 2):指企业或组织间接产生的温室气体排放,主要来自购买和使用电力或热能过程中的排放。
🔍 Scope 1碳排放:这指的是企业机构直接产生的温室气体(GHG)排放,例如锅炉和车辆运行时的排放。🔌 Scope 2碳排放:这是企业机构间接产生的排放,比如为建筑供暖和制冷购买的电器。🌐 Scope 3碳排放:这是最复杂的一部分,涵盖了企业价值链上游和下游的碳排放,包括供应商和客户使用产品时的排放。💡 在评估碳排...
SK Innovation正在推进“Net Zero Operations”,将现有业务和新增长业务二元化,以实现Scope 1、2 Net Zero。为此,到2025年为止,能源·化学业务的目标是以绝对量为准,比2019年减少25%,电池·原材料业务的目标是比BAU(Business-as-Usual,现有业务实行时的预计排放量)减少21%,为此,在能源·化学业务上,我们正在做出努...
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are ways to categorize where a company or organization’s emissions are coming from. While the first scope comes from direct emissions owned or controlled by a company, Scope 2 and 3 are indirect emissions that come about because of what that company does. These...
Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 are categories that organizations can use to classify thegreenhouse gas emissions(GHGs) they generate across their value chain. The three emissions scopes are the standard categories that define the origin of an organization's greenhouse gas emissions, gases that...
Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions Inventory Customized Professional Services OfferingsAccounting for your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a foundational step in understanding your company’s environmental impact and is necessary to inform your climate strategy. Overview Key Definitions Deliverables G&A has...
Carbon Emission Scope 1/2/3 Scope 1范围1排放是公司直接燃烧产生的温室气体排放, Scope 2 范围2排放是公司购买的能源产生的温室气体排放, Scope 3 而范围3则是这两者以外公司产生的所有排放。
Ant Group, the fintech affiliate of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, achieved operational carbon neutrality ( Scope 1 & 2 ) in 2022 for the second consecutive year through a combination of reduction, substitution and offset measures. This achievement, backed up by figures certified by the China...