SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry (12...
Science China Chemistry is a leading chemistry journal disseminating outstanding achievements across the global chemical community. Ranked as Q1 in the ...
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry (12...
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry (12...
Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China Prof. Weihong Tan Hunan University, China Prof. Ben Zhong Tang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China Prof. Yong Tang Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China Prof. He Tian ...
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry (12...
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry (12...
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is an established chemistry journal in China, which is sponsINVALIDed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. With the Impact FactINVALID of 10.4, it ranks at 27 of the 230 journa Analytical Chemistry & Chemical Biology & Supramolecular Chemistry Article Types of SCC Manuscripts published inSci. China Chem.include: Highlights. Brief summaries and scholarly comments on recent research achievements made in any field of Chemistry. Highlights are around 1000 ...
Science China Chemistry 《SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry》(英文版)月刊,创刊于1950年。邮发代码:80-203。是中国科学院主管、中国科学院和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办的自然科学综合性学术刊物。 主管单位:中国科学院 主办单位:中国科学院 国际刊号:1674-7291