Toronto Central Chicago Cleveland Detroit Indiana Milwaukee Southeast Atlanta Charlotte Miami Orlando Washington Northwest Denver Minnesota Oklahoma City Portland Utah Pacific Golden State LA Clippers LA Lakers Phoenix Sacramento Southwest Dallas Houston
BANGKOK, July 31 (Xinhua) -- China and ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries have finished the first reading of the Single Draft Negotiating Text of the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea ahead of schedule, marking major progress and an important step concern...
BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China will achieve major progress in the steel sector's structural overhaul by 2020 and "fundamentally bail out" the industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Monday. China plans to reduce crude steel output by 100 million tonnes to 15...
An overview of the Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria, known as C/SCS or C/S Squared is pesented. In the mid-1960s, several DOD service agencies embarked on a new performance measurement concept to track cost and schedule performance on major DOD programs. The performance measurement concept...
Ceremony C04 LAW + FOS Friday, 12 July 2024 10.00am Faculty of Laws Faculty of Science - Food Science and Technology Ceremony C05 FOS + SCALE Friday, 12 July 2024 2.30pm Faculty of Science - 本科化学类专业 Faculty of Science - 硕博化学类专业类 ...
通过以下语句,可以查看已有的jobs, schedules, programs SELECT * FROM user_scheduler_jobs; --已有jobs SELECT * FROM user_scheduler_job_args; --已有参数 SELECT * FROM user_scheduler_job_log; SELECT * FROM user_scheduler_job_run_details;
可以看得出,交货单item里的交货日期取的是delivery schedule里最早的一个交货日期,即2022-09-11。 2, 为该STO单据执行事务代码VL10B。 执行, 选中item,然后点击background按钮之后,显示创建出来的交货单, 由于delivery schedule line有2条,交货日期不同,所以VL10B的执行结果就是会创建2张不同的outbound delivery。这...