首先,您将登录。 您可以通过登录在稍后保存场景。 登录到您的ArcGIS 组织帐户。 注: 如果您没有组织帐户,请参阅软件访问权限选项。 在您的组织的主页的功能区上,单击场景。 Scene Viewer随即打开。 显示专题场景的库。 单击新建场景。 出现显示全球比例世界的新场景。 需要导航到感兴趣区域:瑞士苏黎世。
In geodesic mode Scene Viewer only calculates the horizontal and vertical distances, taking into consideration the curvature of the earth (that is, ellipsoid-based geodesic distance). The Direct distance option is unavailable. Measure area Use Measure area to calculate the area of a polygon you ...
1.Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect. 2.The place where an action or event occurs:the scene of the crime. 3.The place in which the action of a play, movie, novel, or other narrative occurs; a setting. 4. a.A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which...
Create 3D scenes in your browser and share them with the world.
注意,把视景器(Viewer)的主/从摄像机设置为 PRE_RENDER 或 POST_RENDER 往往是没有意义的。所谓从摄像机组(View::_slaves),其功能主要是实现同一场景的分窗口以及分屏幕显示(参见 osgcamera 例子)。如果您希望实现诸如 HUD 显示,简单鹰眼图等功能时,应当向场景树中添加新的摄像机节点,并设置与主摄像机不同的...
Scener ur ett äktenskap: With Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson, Gunnel Lindblom, Bibi Andersson. Ten years within the marriage of Marianne and Johan.
You can move around scenes with the followingScene Viewertools: ClickInitial viewto return to the initial camera position. ClickZoom into zoom in. ClickZoom outto zoom out. You can also use the mouse and scroll wheel to zoom in and zoom out, or click the wheel button while moving down ...
173void SceneViewer::resizeGL(int width, int height) {174 glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)width, (GLsizei)height);175 176 if (is_init_) {177 free_camera_.set_near_plane_width(GLfloat(width));178 free_camera_.set_near_plane_height(GLfloat(height));179 free_camera_.UpdateProjection();...
https://s7d9.scene7.com/s7viewers/html5/BasicZoomViewer.html?asset= {Scene7SharedAssets/Backpack_B?extendn=0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5%252C0.5} 彈出式檢視器 — Internet Explorer 9有時會在滑鼠關閉後留在熒幕上。 縮放瀏覽器視窗會導致不正確調整大小。
I have this Cesium configuration for Viewer and Scene: var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", { terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain(), }); viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = false; viewer.scene.pickTranslucent...