基本信息 词语:PJ 简拼:ㄆㄟˋ ㄐ一ㄢˋ 英文:a double-edged sword 词语示例 佩剑将军 基本解释 ◎ 佩剑 pèi jiàn [a double-edged sword] 腰间佩带的剑 佩剑将军 详细解释 腰间佩带的剑。 唐 杜甫 《人日》诗之二:“佩剑衝星聊暂拔,匣琴流水自须弹。”元 杨载 《次韵袁伯长》:“佩剑黄金环,咀丹白...
◎ 宝剑 bǎo jiàn [a double-edged sword] 原来指罕见而贵重的剑,后泛指普通剑 详细解释 剑的美称。原指特别锋利而稀有的珍贵的剑。后泛指一般的剑。《左传·桓公十年》:“又求其宝剑。”汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传记宝剑》:“昔者 越王 勾践 有宝剑五,闻於天下。”晋 张华 《博物志》卷六:“宝剑名:钝...
类型: 扩展A 英文: (same as 鍔) swords; a double-edged sword 康熙字典 【子集下】【刀部】;康熙笔画: 11,部外笔画: 9 《集韻》逆各切,音鄂。《玉篇》刀劒刃也。说文解字 【卷四】【刀部】 刀劒刃也。从刀聲。,籒文从从各。五各切〖注〗臣鉉等曰:今俗作鍔,非是。说...
aiPod就像一把双刃剑,有好也有坏 iPod looks like the double-edged sword, has well also has the badness[translate] aNon e un problema amore mio,parla a tua figlia con il cuore 非 e 非 problema 非更多 mio, parla 一个 tua figlia 反对 il cuore[translate] ...
aGenerally speaking, Internet is a Double - edged sword. If we know what we need clearly and how to take advantage of internet responsibly. I am sure it will affect our modern life in a positive way and make our life more wonderful and splendid. 一般来说,互联网是一把双刃剑。 如果我们...
[a double-edged sword] 腰间佩带的剑 佩剑将军 佩玉 pèiyù (1) [jade weared by baron]∶贵族身上所佩戴的玉器 (2) [wear jade article]∶佩戴玉器 珮 pèi ㄆㄟ╝ 同佩”②。 康熙字典 【午集上】【玉部】;康熙笔画: 11,部外笔画: 6
He calls email a double-edged sword. In other works,email can be both good and bad. Americans also use the saying cuts both ways for something like a double-edged sword. But back to the culture of emailing,Emails provide a useful way to communicate. But they could ...
(5)___Anyway, you cannot use it as a crutch for coping with other stressors and mental health problems.A.It's the same with social media.B.Social media can be a double-edged sword.C.People get more opinionated about the potential problems of social media.D.They found that those who ...
Antibiotics can be a double-edged sword, eliminating harmful bacteria but also depleting your gut of the good ones. So if you’ve taken this medication, here are a few of Hilary’s suggestions that may help to restore your gut health: ...
This word is a double-edged sword that cuts off the voice of the enemy and brings about My glorious goodness to your circumstances. Matthew 4:4 (ESV) “But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God...