Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur Written by:James Arthur/Steve Solomon/Neil Ormandy I met you in the dark You lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough We danced the night away We drank too much I held your hair back when You were throwing up Then you...
James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go Written by:James Arthur/Steve Solomon/Neil Ormandy I met you in the dark You lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough We danced the night away We drank too much I held your hair back when You were throwing up Then you...
一生所求不过爱与自由 《Say You Won't Let Go》James Arthur社会学子 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多6 -- 0:41 App 我们逃走吧,日暮星河,别在梦里。 1040 -- 0:41 App 【音乐】你还想听谁的声音呢?路飞仙贝 1 -- 0:28 App 不早点睡觉的小朋友会被月亮抓去罚站哦 1 -- 0...
Say You Won't Let Go (说你不会放手) - James Arthur Written by:James Arthur/Steve Solomon/Neil Ormandy I met you in the dark You lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough We danced the night away We drank too much
James Arthur-Say You Won‘t Let Go的MP3下载在线试听歌曲,Say You Won‘t Let Go免费QQ空间音乐外链,Say You Won‘t Let Go歌词下载,好听的音乐尽在拾音人音乐网。
Just say you won't let go I wake you up with some breakfast in bed I'll bring you coffee With a kiss on your head And I'll take the kids to school Wave them goodbye And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night When you looked over your shoulder For a minute, I forget that ...
Say You Won't Let Go 音乐 音乐综合 lirik foryou sayyouwontletgo jamesarthur lyrics 音乐综合 fyp水月一哲 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 【WATWING】🔫🔫🔫 是谁想击中你的心...? WATWING_official 1738 3 “我的心在我妻子所在的地方” 水月一哲 118 0 我知道绝对不会再签约,但我想一直...
Camila Cabello - ‘Never Be The Same’ (live at Capital’s Summertime Ball 2018) 932 2 3:22 App Camila Cabello - ‘Bad Things’ (live at Capital’s Summertime Ball 2018) 397 1 3:55 App Camila Cabello - ‘Into It’ (live at Capital’s Summertime Ball 2018) 32.9万 61 4:16 App ...
Say You Won't Let Go James Arthur该歌词仅支持在酷狗客户端查看 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论歌单歌手 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧! 包含此歌曲的热门歌单 唱入心底:40首深情款款的治愈系男嗓 浪漫西餐厅|邂逅幽雅...