Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty celebrates fearlessness, confidence and inclusivity. We want you to feel sexy and have fun doing it. With offerings ranging from everyday basics to more provocative pieces—Savage X Fenty is lingerie for everyone. Shop our expan
Johnny Depp to Appear in Rihanna’s ‘Savage X Fenty Vol. 4’ Show on Prime Video Shopping 3 years How to Watch Rihanna’s Star-Studded Savage X Fenty Show Online Shopping 3 years Rihanna Is Officially a Billionaire: Here Are the Best Fenty Beauty Products That Built Her Empire TV...
今年5 月,商场精英蕾哈娜推出全新内衣品牌——Savage x Fenty,而就在今天 6 月 29 日,品牌无预警地发布了情趣系列 Xccessories,预计这会成为一个常规系列。与以往介绍新品时通常选用精致的官方图不同,这次蕾哈娜选择以相对私密的方式在 Instagram Story 上发布了小视频来介绍这一系列,并配文“It's good to be ...
Savage X Fenty is Back For Vol. 4 The trailblazing event is raising the bar yet again with a new all-star lineup of models, actors, some of the biggest names in music, and more, debuting the latest Savage X Fenty styles. A seductive fashion fever dream, this year’s show blends Emm...
Discover the SAVAGE X FENTY sale at ASOS. Shop our range of SAVAGE X FENTY bras, underwear and pyjamas in the SAVAGE X FENTY sale today!
Savage X Fenty的品牌理念:性感、包容、多元并不是一句空话,而是贯穿了品牌始终的灵魂。这种独树一帜的品牌理念,也为它赢得了源源不断的人气基础。 特立独行时尚达人 内衣产品可不是单纯性感就够了,更重要的是时尚前卫!Savage X Fenty内衣款式设计充分体现了其“狂野”本性,通过大面积镂空蕾丝、黑色薄纱等元素,展...
11 月9日,蕾哈娜品牌Savage x Fenty将发售全新运动系列。新系列旨在成为结合功能和美丽为一体,被称为“力量和俏皮的完美平衡”。其中包括拳击内衣、高腰紧身裤、紧身连体裤,以及孕妇可穿的运动系列等等,适用于健身房、商场等各种场景。运动系列的尺寸包括XS到4XL,价格从29.95美元(约合人民币217元)到109.95美元(约合...
Rihanna for Savage X Fenty ↓↓点击头像→【关注】= 订阅精彩图文视频每日推送,不容错过! 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a...
About Savage X Fenty Savage X Fenty is a company that focuses on the fashion industry, specifically in the lingerie sector. The company offers a wide range of lingerie products, from everyday basics to more provocative pieces, designed to cater to a diverse range of body types and personal ...
Savage x Fenty 是支持配送到国内的,售价也非常亲民。Xccessories 系列的单品价格约合人民币 130 元到 170 元不等。品牌在 Instagram 上宣布新系列发售 5 个小时后,我们看到官网已经有多款单品售罄了。 从美妆做到内衣,虽然注册了不同的品牌,并与不同的公司合作,各自采用相对独立的运营,但 Savage x Fenty 和...