SAS宏支持条件逻辑,通过%IF、%THEN和%ELSE语句来实现。这些语句允许你根据条件执行不同的代码块。 sas %macro example_if_then_else; %let condition = 1; %if &condition = 1 %then %do; %put Condition is true; %else %do; %put Condition is false; %end; %mend example_if_then_else; %...
In this example, you invoke SAS on a UNIX operating environment on September 20, 2001 (the librefs DEPT and TEST are defined in the file) with a command like the following:sas program-name -sysparm dept.projects -config /myid/config.sasMacro variable SYSPARM supplies the name ...
本篇论文提供了两支主要的SAS MACRO程序;%Homopoly和%Model_Selection分别会在下个两章节中介绍.程序%Homopoly是用在建立多项式数据文件,而%Model_Selection则是用来提供SAS模型筛选后的总结数据,报表格式是仿照表11.8 Montgomery制作的.读者可以很容易复制到其他的分析.为了要编写程序,我同时提供了20支工具程序,读者...
proc transpose data= example3 out=_out3; var group; run; %macro m1; data test; ...
在SAS中,可以通过变量将值传递到宏中。下面是一个示例: ```sas %macro example(var1=); %put The value of var1 is &var1.; %me...
PROC APPEND is most useful when you use it in a macro. For example, you create a macro in which there is a loop for calculation of some metrics of multiple variables. In each iteration, it returns a data set which needs to be appended with the output of subsequent iterations so that ...
/*程序三*//***Example to call this macro:%city(province=xxx)***/%macrocity(province=);dataoutprov;setadcode;whereprov="&province.";run;procexportdata=outprovoutfile="P:\SAS 培训\output\&province..xlsx"dbms=excelreplacelabel;sheet="&province.";run;%mendcity;/*宏程序的调用*/%city...
kenwd:漫谈SAS Macro (1) SAS获取列名及相关信息_AaronPaul的博客-CSDN博客 SAS编程:Proc SQL生成宏变量时INTO子句的使用 目的:输出频数分布表格 /*Macro name: DescriptiveTable*/ /*Purpose: creat classic crosstable for epidemiology analysis*/ /*Input: ...
advanced programmer,我认为重点是:PROC SQL,PROC DATASETS,SAS/MACRO总共也大概是800页的内容,有许多example可以练习。都看完肯定就可以过70%了。如果你还是入门阶段,建议把little sas book看透,这本书读起来很舒服,许多人觉得简单,但是真正看透还是需要用心的。_准备材料: PROGRAMMING I, PROGRAMMING II, PROGRAMMING...
SAS expert Leonid Batkhan presents the %embed macro function as a way to embed both “foreign” and SAS native code from a file into a SAS program, preventing clutter in your code. Read More English Programming Tips Peter StyliadisMay 30, 2023 Getting Started with Python Integration to ...