Sarah Abraham Contacts Become a member to see Sarah Abraham's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Sarah Abraham(II) Edit pageAdd to list Track Music Department Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients
Sarah Abraham (III) Edit page Add to list Track Additional Crew Contacts Become a member to see Sarah Abraham's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Sarah Abraham (III) Edit page Add to list Track Additional CrewOverview Credits About Images Videos Box Office ...
“Sarah”是“女神”,也是“万物之公主”。 (God also said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah.) 撒拉誓言 Sarah Goddess 撒拉女神 All Men Must Slave 男人皆为奴隶 All Men Must Bless 男人皆须救赎...
这个名字源自圣经中的故事,特别是在《旧约》的“起源”章节中,Sarah(在《圣经》中最初写作Sarai)与她的丈夫亚伯拉罕(Abraham)一同出现。当他们逃离原居住地,途经埃及时,遭遇了埃及法老的驱逐。然而,正是在这个艰难时刻,上帝向他们显现,预言他们将成为以色列乐土(Promised Land)的先驱。从此,...
Abraham (redirected fromAbraham and Sarah) Thesaurus Encyclopedia A·bra·ham (ā′brə-hăm′) In the Bible, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Ishmael and Isaac. [Hebrew'abrāhām,the (divine) Father is exalted:'āb,father; seeʔbinSemitic ...
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abraham-sarah-isaac Paint Art, Gallery Art ,Painters , Images ,Hagar and the Angel ,Hagar in the Desert ,Hagar and the Angel ,Hagar and Ismail in the Desert ,Expulsion of Hagar ,Hagar in the Desert ,Abraham and the Three Angels ,Hagar and Ishmael in th
Carine Mackenzie