Use @sql.prepend and @sql.append to add native SQL clauses to before or after generated SQL output of CDS entities or elements. Example: cds @sql.append: ```sql GROUP TYPE foo GROUP SUBTYPE bar ``` entity E { ..., @sql.append: 'FUZZY SEARCH INDEX ON' text: String(100); } @...
indicates that only a single record object shall be* returned instead of an array.** Also, CDS, and hence CQN, supports minimalistic `SELECT` statements with a `from`* as the only mandatory property, which is equivalent to SQL's `SELECT * from ...`.*/exportclassSELECT{SELECT:{distinct...
Let’s assume you’ve found the department store’s branch on the Champs Elysées mentioned above. You can ask your bot how many floors the store has. When you’re on a specific floor, you can ask the bot about the different categories of items on this floor and which items are current...
Transform user experiences with AI chatbots using SAP's low code chatbot building platform. Train, build, test, connect and monitor chatbots in a single interface.
A * selector following a struct element selects all elements of the structure and thus is equivalent to selecting the struct element itself. The following queries are all equivalent: sql SELECT from Authors { name, struc { * } } SELECT from Authors { name, struc { elem1, elem2 } } SE...
Very much like functions in JavaScript, queries are first-class objects, which can be assigned to variables, modified, passed as arguments, or returned from functions. Let's investigate this somewhat more, given this example: js let cats = await'CatalogService') //> connected...
Get support for your unique business needs from the world’s leading AI providers Gain instant access to your choice of the most advanced AI innovation and large language models from leading partners in the industry—embedded in SAP Business AI. ...
Starting January 2023, SAP Conversational AI, SAP’s chatbot building platform has been set to maintenance mode. Existing customers can continue to use the product until the end of their contract. There is no direct successor product available or will be released for SAP Conversational AI. For ...
Example Application (Node.js) Complete application from the end-to-end Tutorial Example Application (Java) Complete application from the end-to-end Tutorial Incident Management (Node.js) Using a mock server or S/4 on Cloud Foundry or Kyma ...
You can also change the format used by newly or formerly constructed loggers using .setFormat() function: js const _levels = [ 'SILENT', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE' ] const LOG = cds.log('foo') .setFormat ((id, level, ...args) => [ '[', (new Date).toIS...