While SAP allows third parties to access SAP’s website to place a third-party cookie on your device, SAP does not retain control over the information supplied by the cookies, nor does SAP retain access to this information. This information is controlled wholly by that third party according ...
IDP_SESSION_MARKER_accounts400A digital identifier to facilitate Single Sign-On (SSO)Session IDP_USERFacilitates account authenticationSession ids-accessA secure, encrypted access token for SAP Identity Service authentication3 min ids-refreshA secure, encrypted token utilized to consistently refresh the SA...
This suggests that phloem transport per se is not a limitation for yield in wheat but rather, is controlled to sustain grain filling.doi:10.1111/pce.14646Guillaume TcherkezAustralian National UniversityMeisha Holloway‐PhillipsUniversity of Basel...
Parasola papillatospora is described as a new species, based on morphology and multigene phylogenetic analyses. Its basidiomata were growing on soil in temperate deciduous forests (Quercus petraea, Fagus sylvatica, and Carpinus betulus) on two different localities in NW Croatia. Based on publicly...
Such cycles reflect metabolic interdependence of plant organs and shoot鈥搑oot coordination of plant growth and development.doi:10.3390/ijms24086917Broussard, LouisAbadie, CyrilLalande, JulieLimami, Anis M.Lothier, JérémyTcherkez, GuillaumeInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences...