consignment process:寄售业务流程 Goods issue:发货过账 Interest rate:利率 Loan: 贷款 Discrepancy report : 差异报表 Grand total:总计 unlock value :释放价值 Merge:合并表格 Liquidity:流动资产 Chargeback:退款 Register:注册,登记 Endorsement: noun,背书 Royalty:专利使用费,著作版税 Significate inventory: 有重...
5 选完,进入“Work Order Header Goods Issue Additional Issue”界面,依次输入相关字段内容,完后点击绿色箭头,操作完成;6 回到“Item Receipt/Issue”界面,我们可以看到,6324的MSH项目行已消失,库存量为0,这就表示额外消耗处理,已在SAP PSI中成功实现了;
Post Goods Issue发货(常指对销售订单的发货) · IR Invoice Receipt 收到发票(常在发票校验中使用) · Cr 在途物资 · GNB Goods No Billing, 意思就是goods receive but no billing-invoicing,资产(材料)增加了但未付款 · BNG Billing no goods,货未收到先付款,这种比较少见。 如果对你有用,你的赞及...
The goods issue function lets you reduce the inventory level in a situation that is not direct result of a sales document entry. After an item is sold, the warehouse inventory is automatically reduced when SAP Business One enters the transactions. For example, if you create a delivery document...
Goods issue from the Warehouse Management system (WMS) is the physical issue of goods or materials from the warehouse. Goods issue posting results in a decrease in stock in the warehouse. In WMS, you post a goods issue for the following business transactions: Delivery of goods to customers ...
Introduction SAP Digital Manufacturing provides important features where we can perform the Goods Issue, Goods Receipt, Yield and Scrap partially or full qty using Order
才能收料.Goods receipt:收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作Goods issue:发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作Goods transfer:转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作P/N: part numbe忖料的料号.Spare parts呆料,即已不使用的材料Return delivery: 退货 ,如当厂商的材料发生质量问题时,...
这就是为什么在标准情形下sales order item category必须允许schedule lines并且schedule line category必须设置为relevant for delivery。 Goods issue移动类型(或者return deliveries的goods receipt移动类型)定义在schedule line category level(事务代码VOV6)。 -完 - 2020-2-11 写于苏州市。
Delivery document:是指出货给客户, 收供应商料件/发料给外发供应商等的DOCUMENT(文件)GOODS ISSUE DOCUMENT特指厂内发料至产线工单的凭证.从产品生产/采购完毕后,一直到发货给顾客,再到收款的这个过程,涉及到的document类型,以及具体一点的标准流程是指操作的T-CODE吗?不同的公司可能有不同要求的...
The GR document is posted at the time of goods receipt and the GI document is posted for Goods issue from stores. these movements are controlled by movement types which differentiate the different types of movements( goods receipt against po, goods issue to a dept, plant to plant transfer ...