CRMMLSGUID: GUID entry (should match GUID in CRMPRLS) CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO : Also GUID table (GUID here should match GUID in R/3 table CRMKUNNR) SMOFSUBTAB : Mapping & Parameters SMOFDSTAT : Download Monitor (R4AM1) SMOFFILTAB : Filters (Should match filters in R3AC1 & R/3 Table...
SAPCRM常用表 2.1 Master Data Tables Table Name Description Business Partner BUT000 BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc. BUT020 BP: Addresses BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship, Partner ...
SAP CRM 常用表 2.1 Master Data Tables Table Name Description Business Partner BUT000 BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc.BUT020 BP: Addresses BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship,...
TJ01: Business Transactions definition TJ02: System status definition. For some of entries in this table, the corresponding constants are defined in include CRM_STATUS_CON TJ03: status object type definition. Storage table for tcode BS12, see screenshot below: TJ04: define initial status for ...
It is allowed to create several reference objects per header or item of a given business document. The related database tables to maintain the relationship between a business document and its referenced object are listed below: You can run the following report to get a list of all business doc...
CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_WAP_GET_OPP_POSSIBLE_STAT' EXPORTING iv_stat = i_status iv_user_stat_proc = lv_status_profile TABLES et_06 = lt_sys_stat. READ TABLE lt_sys_stat WITH KEY istat = 'I1005' inact = abap_false TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. "check system status is complete ...
INTO lv_status_profile WHERE process_type = t_type.CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_WAP_GET_OPP_POSSIBLE_STAT' EXPORTING iv_stat = i_status iv_user_stat_proc = lv_status_profile TABLES et_06 = lt_sys_stat.READ TABLE lt_sys_stat WITH KEY istat = 'I1005' inact = abap_false TRANSPORTING NO ...
SAP CRM 常用表.pdf评分: 汇集整理SAP CRM 各类常用表 1、Master Data Tables 2、Transaction Data Tables SAP SAP CRM BUT000 常用表2020-04-08 上传大小:254KB 所需:34积分/C币 sapcrm业务数据分析.pdf sapcrm业务数据分析.pdf 上传者:yankunyun时间:2021-10-14 ...
Product是根据行项目GUID从CRMD_PRODUCT_I中查询的。 CRM T-Code SE19 Badi implementation SE93 Transaction code check smw01 workflow Crm_Erms_mailforms Forms SWDD ERMS Rule modler workflow SE 18 BADi creation SE19 Badi implementation se11 tables SE38 al module reports/fields display se11 crmd_...
将SAP CRM WebClient UI的表格导出成PDF In WebClient for configTable control there is a functionality to export the whole table content as an excel. Only simple steps are necessary to support export with PDF format as well. The achievement would be: a new button is added to table toolbar....