Solved: Dear Experts, I maintained cost distribution in poition ,one cost center percentage is 90,the other percentage is 10,when i post to account ,it occurs error:
I am trying to post the Data in the SAP via BAPI call but it seems to be failed in the SAP. BAPI Name:BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST Message:No data was transferred in
I am trying to post the Data in the SAP via BAPI call but it seems to be failed in the SAP. BAPI Name:BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST Message:No data was transferred in
Pls check the charecterstics of the GL account created buy FI Team. Enter the Tcode FS00 ( G/L acc Master data Maintenence) and check all the required characterstics of the GL account You can compare the GL account characetrstics with any other GL account whic is posted correctly , ...
1. 如果在GL account的master data里面,之前已经做好了alternative account的mapping, 那我要改成另外的local account,这样 会不会影响本地子公司的报表? 2. 如果GL account和alternative account是多对一的关系,那么当你分配同一个alternative account的时候,系统会出现error错误, ...
Hi, I am trying to add a down payment invoice to a sales order using the SAP Business One SDK. My code is as follows (the Sales order is already successfully created:
Account group-账户组: 又称为科目组,是 对科目的一种分组。 sap系统对主数据都是会分成不同的组(group),然后再通过对组进行一些设置,这样就可以达到集中管理的目的,同时也可以减少一些个别设置的工作量。 账户组主要是针对财务总账科目的一个分组,在系统中可以针对每个账户组设置不同的字段状态组,控制某些字段是...
统驭科目的维护步骤和界面与《总账科目(G/L Account)_一般科目》相同,只是参数不同。示例中用到的字段状态组,可参见《定义字段状态变式(Field Status Variants)》。 如果涉及结算,则供应商主数据、客户主数据的公司代码视图中需维护统驭科目,参见《供应商主数据_公司代码视图》、《客户主数据_公司代码视图》。
Defined in packages/vdm-op/group-reporting-master-data-service/GlAccount.ts:93 chartOfAccounts chartOfAccounts: string Defined in packages/vdm-op/group-reporting-master-data-service/GlAccount.ts:92 glAccount glAccount: string Defined in packages/vdm-op/group-repor...
_entityName:string= "GLAccount" Overrides Entity._entityName Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/GlAccount.ts:16 Technical entity name for GlAccount. Static_keyFields _keyFields:Array<Selectable<GlAccount>>= [GlAccount.GL_ACCOUNT] ...