这里主要需要说明的一个字段就是Name,Name字段要求必须为/u/PushTopicName,并且PushTopicName只能包含标准的字符以及‘_’或者‘/’,其他的字符不支持,比如上面创建的PushTopic的名称为TestAccountPushTopic,则创建StreamingChannel时,Name必须为/u/TestAccountPushTopic,并且区分大小写。 2.客户端订阅渠道 客户端订阅渠道...
streaming api error codes streaming api error codes learn about the errors that streaming api can return to troubleshoot your streaming client. error code error message error description 400 api version in the uri is mandatory. uri format: '/cometd/59.0' the api version information was...
client to the server. bayeux protocol, cometd, and long polling streaming api uses the bayeux protocol and cometd for long polling. streaming api terms learn about terms used for streaming api. how the client connects streaming api uses the http/1.1 request-response model and the bayeux ...
Streaming API enables streaming of events using push technology and provides a subscription mechanism for receiving events in near real time. The Streaming API subscription mechanism supports multiple types of events, including PushTopic events,
Streaming now: 7 Practical Ways to Put Sales AI to Work Register for free Sales AI Our AI solutions, protected by the Einstein Trust Layer, deliver autonomous, generative, and predictive capabilities built directly into your CRM. Autonomous Agentforce Agents scale your team and drive growth. ...
The Salesforce Platform unifies Data, AI, CRM, Development, and Security into a single, comprehensive platform. Learn more about Salesforce’s application development platform.
随着时间的发展,Salesforce 推出了更加强大和灵活的 API,例如 REST API、 Bulk API、Streaming API 等,这些 API 支持更大规模的数据操作和更复杂的交互。 2005 年:Salesforce AppExchange 2005 年,Salesforce 推出了 AppExchange,这是一个企业应用市场,允许第三方开发者创建和销售与 Salesforce 产品集成的应用程序...
(A custom app with up to eight (8) custom objects and eight (8) custom tabs, read-only access to accounts and contacts, and no access to Sharing, Bulk API, or Streaming API.) 预测金额(Forecast Amount) 适用于协作预测场景。包括从预测管理者角度进行的收入预测,以及所有者和他下属的商机总和,...
Streaming Datasets from Salesforce 11 hours ago Hello!I am looking to stream data in real-time from Salesfoce into a dashboard in Power BI. I'm wanting to use this for my agents to look at metrics such as number of calls, bookings, etc. Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
Personalize cada experiência ao longo da jornada do cliente com o Customer 360. Unifique marketing, vendas, serviços, comércio e TI no CRM nº 1 do mundo.