the proof of which lay often in refusal to participate in the cult of the emperor. Persecution at Lyon in 177, whenMarcus Aureliusabandoned Trajan’s principle “that they are not to be sought out,” pointed to what might come. Meanwhile,Apologistssuch asJustin,Tertullian, andOrigenprotested...
Patron saint, saint to whose protection and intercession a person, a society, a church, or a place is dedicated. The choice is often made on the basis of some real or presumed relationship with the persons or places involved. St. Patrick, for example, is
This philosophy threatened to split the early church by denying the incarnation of God in Christ—thus rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity—partly on the ground that physical matter is evil. Apologists of the 2nd century like Justin Martyr, Theophilus, and Athenagoras went as far as they ...
Persecution at Lyon in 177, when Marcus Aurelius abandoned Trajan’s principle “that they are not to be sought out,” pointed to what might come. Meanwhile, Apologists such as Justin, Tertullian, and Origen protested in vain that Christians were moral, useful, and loyal citizens. Get ...
Persecution at Lyon in 177, when Marcus Aurelius abandoned Trajan’s principle “that they are not to be sought out,” pointed to what might come. Meanwhile, Apologists such as Justin, Tertullian, and Origen protested in vain that Christians were moral, useful, and loyal citizens. Get ...