the university has campuses in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture and Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, with ten faculties, one junior college, ten graduate schools, and Japanese Culture and Language Program.
龙谷大学(RyuKoku University),位于日本京都,是一所成立于1639年的著名私立大学,也是全日本最古老的综合性大学,其前身为西本愿寺内的教育机构,因此校属佛教,其“建学精神”为“净土真宗的精神”。 学校历史 公元1639年。日本最古老的第一所综合性大学诞生了。她就是龙谷大学。距离今天,已经整整走过了384年的沧桑...
Ryukoku University’s enterprising spirit and harmonious coexistence resonating around the globe Founded in 1639, as a seminary of the Honganji Temple, Ryukoku University has a truly global campus, with approximately 420 international students from around the globe. With additional campuses in both ...
About Ryukoku University Based in Kyoto, Japan, Ryukoku University is a private university with more than 20,000 students. Originally established as a school for Buddhist monks, the university now offers teaching in the following faculty areas: Letters Economics Business Administration ... Read more...
Why not sit on the porch and watch the beautiful autumn leaves in the garden together? Explore the wonderful culture of Japan at Ryukoku University's Japanese Culture and Language Program!O网页链接
京都府 / 私立 龍谷大学 | Ryukoku UniversityBy nurturing citizens with "Magokoro (Sincerity)" and creating new knowledge and values, we will become a platform to overcome any obstacles or differences and contribute to world peace.O网页链接It is a global campus where about 500 international students...
英文: Ryukoku University)是位于日本国京都府首府京都市伏见区一所私立大学,它的前身起源于1639年(宽永16年)京都西本愿寺建立的一所学堂。目前的龙谷大学分别由位于京都府京都市伏见区的深草学舍(本部所在)、京都府京都市下京区的大宫学舍、以及位于滋贺县首府大津市的瀬田学舍三所校舍所构成。
O网页链接Classes resumed today at Ryukoku University. How was your New Year’s break? At Ryukoku International House, the international student dormitory, we held a Secret Santa event for Christmas. Although we cannot hold parties and other close contact events due to social distancing, the Japane...
このように私たちの分化とは全く異なる、典型的な日本文化に飛び込む機会があったこと、とても嬉しかったです。これからもっと日本文化を学ぶことが楽しみで仕方ありません。 » Ryukoku University 的信息
龙谷大学 RyuKoku University 中文:日本龙谷大学 日文:りゅうこくだいがく 英文:Ryukoku University 公元1639年,日本最古老的第一所综合性大学诞生了。她,就是日本龙谷大学。距离今天,已经整整走过了370年的沧桑历史了。如今的龙谷大学已经是西日本的‘七大名门学府之一’和‘世界著名大学之一’了。在西日本被人们...