rustdiscorddiscord-botserenity-rsdiscord-rust UpdatedMay 4, 2023 Rust Discord bot written in Rust that demonstrates basic command handling using both prefix and slash commands. The bot in future will also integrates with GPT-2 for generating text responses. ...
这时候就用到我们的第二个 demo repo:使用这些 embedding 创建一个 discord 机器人(Agent),让用户能够在 Discord 直接咨询相关问题: 同样,我们需要将 RAG-discord-bot demo repo 导入到 进行部署。我们需要配置五个环境变量。discod_token和bo...
这时候就用到我们的第二个 demo repo:使用这些 embedding 创建一个 discord 机器人(Agent),让用户能够在 Discord 直接咨询相关问题: 同样,我们需要将 RAG-discord-bot demo repo 导入到 进行部署。我们需要配置五个环境变量。discod_token和bo...
Rust Bot is an open-source general-purpose Discord bot written in Rust. It is designed to be highly extensible, allowing you to add your own custom commands and features. This README provides an overview of the project, its structure, and how to get started with running and extending the ...
同样,我们需要将 RAG-discord-bot demo repo 导入到 进行部署。我们需要配置五个环境变量。discod_token 和 bot_id 是设置 Discord 机器人的。这两个参数在 Discord 的开发者中心获取。 还有一个 collection_name ,这里要填入我们在上一步创建 embedding 的是所设置的 collection_name 的值, 让 ...
Post a rich message to a channel This action will send a rich message from the IFTTT Bot to the channel you specify. Although most fields are optional, running the action requires content in the message body or content in at least one of the embed attributes.Discord and Rust resources Apple...
dbl-rs:为原提供的Rust API绑定,用于与其平台进行交云。 rest-json-client:封装了发送HTTP JSON请求的复杂性,提供简单的调用方式。 monoio-http:为支持异步runtime monoio提供的HTTP客户端和服务器实现。 malwaredb-client:一个客户端库,用于与在线恶意软件数据库MalwareDB交云。 WebSocket...
Private Rust Hacks ⚡ Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack, and More ⚡ Dominate your game with our Rust Cheats!
I'm looking to develop a Rust application that "listens" to messages posted on Discord channels and writes them to me in STDOUT. I don't want to use a bot because it doesn't (and won't) have access to the channels. So I try to use my own user token (obtained via the "authoriz...
AI Agent 框架当前扮演一个粘合剂的作用,把 client(Twitter,Discord,Telegram 等) 和各种插件(各链等)粘合起来,然后框架提供一个基础库(记忆存储,会话隔离,上下文生成)等,后面对接各种 AI 平台接口。 - 微博 jolestar Deepseek 是站在巨人的肩膀上,使用了大量高质量合成数据 ...