1.首先找到自己python程序安装目录下的Scripts文件夹(里面有pip这里面); 2.使用快捷键win + R 打开终端,先进入到安装python的盘符,然后进入到第一步的文件夹中; 3.直接输入 pip install pygame, 按下回车,会自动下载Pygame安装包,下载好后会提示: Successfully installed pygame-2.1.2 4.pygame安装成功以后,验证...
pip install --upgrade pip 这将更新您的pip版本,并确保它是最新的稳定版本。 尝试重新安装:如果上述步骤都没有解决问题,您可以尝试卸载pygame并重新安装。运行以下命令卸载pygame: pip uninstall pygame 然后再次运行以下命令重新安装pygame: pip install pygame 这将重新安装pygame并尝试解决潜在的安装问题。 检查虚拟环...
1、python安装过程中可以选择自动配置环境变量,可以避免手动配置,但是缺点是如果环境变量有问题,就得自己重新学习配置环境变量。 2、我自己想用python从游戏方面入手,所以在安装pygame过程中,需要先安装pip,然后安装pygame时可以pip install pygame 系统会自动安装 3、在pycharm中需要在设置中安装pygame,运行py文件时文件...
Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of pip installed for your Python interpreter located at D:\python37\python.exe . 报错分析 虽然很慌但是也得分析一下,问题出在那里,依旧是使用根据单词意思来分析报错原因 system terminal 系统终端 command命...
该文章接上面hadoop运行wordcount时卡住不动,接着下面 hadoop@ubuntu118:~/hadoop-1.0.2$ b...
The following steps outline how to install Spyder IDE using pip:Open the terminal/command prompt on your system. Type the following command to install Spyder using pip:pip install Spyder Once installed, you can open Spyder IDE by typing the following command in the terminal/command prompt:spyder...
pip install pygame Usage Run the game: Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where you saved catch_the_ball.py, and run: python catch_the_ball.py Controls: Left Arrow Key: Move the paddle left. Right Arrow Key: Move the paddle right. Gameplay: Catch the falling ...
I'm doing this on Windows 11 WSL when I run speak.py it says. playsound is relying on another python subprocess. Please use pip install pygobject if you want playsound to run more efficiently. when I run pip install pygobject , it says R...
In light of this, someone has created an unofficialpyqt5-tools wheel(for Windows only). This appears to be in it's early stages, though, and so may not keep up with recent PyQt5 releases. This means that it may not always be possible to install it via pip. If that is the case, ...