1、请点击开始菜单—运行—然后里面输入 chkdsk c: /f 直接复制进去 然后回车。会自动弹出CMD工具。2、会出现如图所示的黑框框 会选择Y或者N 按一下Y 然后回车。重启不要动任何东西 鼠标键盘都别动让电脑自动修复然后开机后会OK 了 3、有可能会出现的情况:如图所示会出现这样的情况是因为所修复的磁...
提示“运行CHKDSK/ F来检查硬盘驱动器损坏,然后重新启动您的计算机。”用一些无损分区工具来看一下分区表是否有错误,用硬盘检测工具看是否有坏块
您好亲, [微笑][微笑]开机提示 Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption 无法执行系统程序,这是蓝屏提示,可能是因为磁盘出现错误。修复方法:一、开机过程中按F8,进入安全模式。二、安全模式中,单击开始-运行,输入CMD回车。三、在命令提示符中输入"chkdsk/f"回车,重启电脑即可。亲,...
这句话的意思是,运行chikdsk /f来检查硬盘错误,结束后重新启动电脑。
硬盘没问题 装系统的那台电脑配置和你家用的机器硬件配置不一样吧?建议在你家里的电脑装系统,因为别的机器硬件信息已经写入系统了,你现在等于更换硬件,驱动容易冲突。虽然提示使用CHKDSK命令修复 但我感觉应该不会有效果的 不过可以试试,说不定有用呢?如果不会使用,请参考我的回答 http://zhidao...
files. Bad sectors are physical flaws on a hard drive. Chkdsk is a Windows utility that runs from the command line or from within Windows. It scans disk drives for errors and attempts to correct them if found. You can check your external hard drive by running chkdsk from Windows Explorer....
run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption and then restart your computer. 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 提示“运行CHKDSK/ F来检查硬盘驱动器损坏,然后重新启动您的计算机。”用一些无损分区工具来看一下分区表是否有错误,用硬盘检测工具看是否有坏块 解析看不...
chkdsk C: Check Disk then performs an analysis of the disk and returns a status message regarding any problems it encounters.Unless you specify further options, Check Disk won’t repair problems, however.To find and repair errors on drive C, use this command: chkdsk /f C: When you use th...
✅ I'm trying to run chkdsk /f on my D: drive and it's been stuck at 0% completion for an hour:So today out of nowhere my external sea gate hard drive starts acting up. My laptop recognizes that it's connected but none of the stuff I've...
How to Run "CHKDSK" to Fix Drive Errors? Generally, there are two methods to run this CHKDSK utility to test your wanted computer disk. 1). Open the Error-Checking Tool from the "Tools" tab of "Properties". If you do want to check the C partition, here are the detailed steps that...