The new .357 model is compact (6.5 inches), lightweight (17.5 ounces), and, like the .38 Special +P version introduced in 2010, has literally rewritten the book on revolver construction. While the LCR is still fundamentally the same "concept" as Samuel Colt's 1836 patent for the ...
机译:很难将Ruger LCR .357 Mag与任何其他Snugnose magnum左轮手枪进行比较,因为没有像LCR这样的其他左轮手枪了。新的.357型号紧凑(6.5英寸),重量轻(17.5盎司),并且像2010年推出的.38 Special + P版本一样,完全重写了有关左轮手枪构造的书。尽管LCR基本上与Samuel Colt的1836年旋转圆筒手枪专利相同,但Ruger在201...
Ruger offers both the SP101 and the LCR chambered in .327 Federal Magnum. The .327’s felt recoil may be less than that with the .357, but it’s still a handful and especially so in the 16-oz. LCR .327. However, there is good news and more good news when it comes to both of...
The SR 22 has a decocking safety. Switching the SR22’s safety from “fire” to “don’t fire” lowers the hammer to a position where it’s blocked from contacting the firing pin. The safety can then be switched to the fire position, where the pistol will patiently await your pull o...
00评测 Ruger LCR(.357 Magnum口径)左轮手枪 howcatchem· 2018-7-26 35.2万18300:55 安静的 Ruger .22小口径手枪 广东张哥· 2023-6-9 5434100:37 鲁格57半自动 发射个人防卫子弹 枪手钟爱的武器 武器视界· 3-22 3.8万1506:22 美国Ruger使用7.62mmx39子弹 YouTube精选装备· 2023-6-11 9.1万39009:57...