raspberry-pi security rubber-ducky malware hacking cybersecurity infosec hacking-tool exfiltration duckyscript rubberducky wifi-password security-tools python-hacking hacking-tools security-tool exfiltrate-data wifi-passwords raspberry-pi-pico wifi-stealer Updated Mar 19, 2024 PowerShell ossio...
USB-Ducky Payloads Payload-Teensy ( BadUSB ) Like a Rubber Ducky This script was tested on an Teensy 3.2 and Windows. To run this script , simply download the repository and extract in your pc or laptop. Paste the the payload script into the Arduino. So this is all of payload for teen...
Here is another screen shot of this script with an embedded ducky:Surprise, this attractor requires an Ordered map. "Start" the attractor. Once it has been ordering about for a few seconds, try clicking the "Ordered Map" button to use the "Discrete Map". The trajectory will continue for ...
USB Rubber Ducky A new version of the iconic, field-proven hotplug attack tool that invented the Keystroke Injection attack. DuckyScript™ 3.0 Advanced A feature rich programming language as simple as a few key macros, or as complex as your creativity takes you!
This is a collection of scripts that I have written in Ducky Script to be used in bad USBs. How is this organised? Currently scripts are sorted by the target platform, so scripts to work on Windows computers are in the windows dir, Linux in the linux dir, etc. What do these do? It...
Android Rubber Picker Library android library seekbar android-library rubber rangepicker rubberrangepicker rubberseekbar Updated Feb 4, 2022 Kotlin CedArctic / ducky2python Star 121 Code Issues Pull requests Convert DuckyScript (USB Rubber Ducky) to Python Applications 🐍 python converter ...
Payload-Teensy ( BadUSB ) Like a Rubber Ducky This script was tested on an Teensy 3.2 and Windows. To run this script , simply download the repository and extract in your pc or laptop. Paste the the payload script into theArduino. So this is all of payload for teensy. You can buy Tee...
Converts a USB Rubber ducky script into a Kali Nethunter friendly format for the HID attack - byt3bl33d3r/duckhunter
This is a set of hand-written DigiSpark sketches for the Arduino IDE that utilize the DigiKeyboard.h library making the DigiSpark to act as a keyboard and execute a variety of actions. If you have found a USB Rubber Ducky scipt that you want to convert to a DigiSpark sketch, you can al...
Find a scripthereorcreate your own one using Ducky Scriptand save it aspayload.ddin the Pico. Currently, pico-ducky only supports DuckyScript 1.0, not 3.0. Be careful, if your device isn't insetup mode, the device will reboot and after half a second, the script will run. ...