The "+" is a button to add an item.When you click the + you will be asked to search the RPGGeek/BoardGameGeek/VideoGameGeek database for an item you want to show that your character belongs with. You can pick whatever you want, the obvious thing to do is to search for and select...
The "+" is a button to add an item.When you click the + you will be asked to search the RPGGeek/BoardGameGeek/VideoGameGeek database for an item you want to show that your character belongs with. You can pick whatever you want, the obvious thing to do is to search for and select...
Your characters’ more granular skills, which encompass the expected schools of magic and types of weaponry alongside miscellaneous talents ranging from “Bodybuilding” to “Repair Item,” also require trainers in order to be advanced to “Expert” and then “Master” status. There’s always ...
Wish me Luck I have been getting a lot of questions lately of how to support me as a developer beyond buying the game (Ko-Fi, Paypal etc). To that I say: BUY THE DELUXE EDITION. And if you still have money to spend: Buy the game as a gift to your friends. What’s more: It ...
Lucky Jewel From the Miner's Store at the Moleville item shop for 100 coins. Summons Luck at willUsing it in battle will make the player play the Lucky minigame at the end. This item can only be used 10 times. Maple Syrup Various shops for 30 coins. Recovers 40 Flower Pts. Max...
5-6. You’re in luck: the merchant has access to avery rareitem, one not normally available even by the standards of rare goods. RESPECTABLE MARKET GOOD RESULTS You’re able to find the common or rare item you seek,plus… 1. The item you purchased has a noble pedigree in this town,...
When I try to make a special item as a tool Firstly, sorry if this has already been requested or even made. I did a lot of searching to find something like this, both on the forums and google, but I havn't had any luck or even an idea of how to implement something like this. ...
- Meet Kellam! The new ranger weapon specialist - The War Yoyo has been improved Fred & Dom wish you a good game!
I tried to create a light system binding the common events in an item and your plugin, but the same problem is persistent. I tried to fix that through different methods of the common event call but failed. Hope you will take that bug into consideration. Thank You for all these amazing ...
Hi all, I'm using YEPs Critical Control Plug in on MV as seen here: My goal: I would like all attacks and abilities to have a chance to be Critical Hits equal to 0.5 * by the user's Luck stat. So basically, at 1 Luck, the ...