Routing protocols in wireless Ad-hoc Networks-A simulation studyTony Larrson, NicklasHedman "Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks- A Simulation Study", Master Thesis,March 1998.Ayush Sharma, " Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks: A Comparative Study", Volume 3, Issue 5, May...
This paper first describes the characteristics of wireless sensor networks and the requirement for routing protocols.After presenting the classification standards for routing protocols,the paper divides some existing routing protocols into two classes: flat and hierarchy.Analyzing and comparing the characterist...
wireless sensor networkad hoc networkrouting protocolrouting mechanism 无线传感器网络自组织网络路由协议路由机制Wireless sensor networks are different from traditional networks and highly dependent on applications, so traditional routing protocols cannot be applied efficiently to them. Therefore many routing ...
In this paper, an introduction of WSNs is presented with a deep insight into the power-aware routing protocol for sensor networks. The protocols considered are LEACH,VGA and PEGASIS. In addition, a comparison of these protocols is also presented....
无线传感器网络服务质量服务质量路由协议服务质量支持Traditional QoS routing protocols can not be applied efficiently to wireless sensor networks(WSNs),so proposed many new QoS routing protocols for WSNs.This paper firstly discussed the characteristics of QoS routing protocols for WSNs and challenges for ...
The key themes and objectives explored in the thesis are: Understanding the characteristics and challenges of wireless sensor networks. Evaluating the performance of different routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. Analyzing the impact of network parameters, such as node density, mobility, and ...
The broadcast nature of the wireless medium applied in Opportunistic Routing (OR) to improve the performance of wireless networks. OR protocols select a set of candidates as the next-hop forwarder. Each candidate can act as a potential forwarder if it receives the packet. Candidate selection is ...
This paper presents a review of the main routing protocols proposed for wireless sensor networks. Additionally, the paper includes the efforts carried out by Spanish universities on developing optimization techniques in the area of routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. 展开 关键词: routing ...
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are one of the emerging wireless networking technologies that can deliver self-configuring, scalable, flexible, and market-viable networks. Routing protocols play a crucial rule in the functionality of WMNs since their performance affect the network throughput, connectivity...
In early seventies numerous protocols have been developed for Ad hoc wireless networks. The main aim of routing protocols is to establish correct and efficient route between two nodes. These routing protocols can be classified as; Table-driven or Proactive, On-demand or Reactive, and Hybrid. ...