这里最后的横线,是一次topic内容的结束分隔符,这个topic主要发布了小乌龟的线速度,角速度信息 @sz-0203014018:~$ rostopic hz /turtle1/cmd_vel subscribed to [/turtle1/cmd_vel] no new messages average rate: 1.000 min: 1.000s max: 1.000s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2 average rate: 1.000 min: 1....
henry@henry-NUC8v5PNK:~/kalibr_workspace/test_VIO$ rostopic info /d455_242422302661/imu Type: sensor_msgs/Imu Publishers: * /d455_242422302661/realsense2_camera_manager (http://henry-NUC8v5PNK:33605/) Subscribers: None henry@henry-NUC8v5PNK:~/kalibr_workspace/test_VIO$ rostopic hz /d455...
RainerinocommentedFeb 20, 2022 Hi folks,@dayjaby,@weicong96,@hexray-newbee,@aa-calvoCan you please try current ros2 master? I do not get silent messages anymore, but don't really know what is changed. If all ok, i'm going to release 2.1 as i don't really want to leave broken...
if__name__=="__main__": rospy.init_node("publisher_node") pub = rospy.Publisher("topic1", String, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(2) whilenotrospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish("Hello") rate.sleep() The node will publish a message on the topic “topic1” at 2 Hz. ...
Attempting to publish the new topic esc I get the following, which doesn't read any data from the drone. Ran rostopic hz /dji_sdk/esc erenaud3 commented Oct 15, 2019 • edited Hi ! Could you share the files you modified here so we can try out what you implemented ? (or even...