Discover French elegance at our rooftop restaurant with inspired cuisine and brasserie setting. Visit our rooftop bar for a unique, seasonal experience.
One of the most compelling reasons to dine at a rooftop restaurant is the view. From panoramic cityscapes to serene ocean vistas, the scenery from a rooftop can transform a meal into a memorable event. Imagine enjoying a gourmet meal while watching the sunset over a bustling city or dining u...
顶楼餐厅 几年来,曼谷兴起顶楼餐厅(Rooftop Restaurant)。Sirocco、The Dome、Breeze 先后冒起,今日最新最潮的,乃 CentralWorl…|基于2个网页 3. 屋顶花园餐厅 屋顶花园餐厅(Rooftop Restaurant) - 供应西式/国际美食。 在这里可欣赏到法租界和上海城市天际线美景。|基于2个网页 ...
📍这次探店的是位于Meatpacking区域的RH Rooftop Restaurant,这里不仅是美食天堂,更是拍照打卡的绝佳地点!🏛️餐厅位于9 9th Ave, New York, NY 10014,由家具品牌Restoration Hardware经营,店内家具装饰都超有品味。🕒周中下午1点去的时候,两个人等了大约20分钟。等待期间,我先去拍了几张照片:1️⃣ 露...
吉隆坡的朋友们,喜欢Rooftop餐厅的你,现在又有新去处啦!TERRAZZA餐厅位于Chow Kit区,就在Osteria Gamberoni餐厅旁边。你可以从旁边的门进去,搭乘电梯到四楼,那里有一个超棒的Rooftop Restaurant。这里的景色绝对让你流连忘返,还有吧台可以小酌几杯,更有live band现场表演🎸。其实,TERRAZZA是Osteria Gamberoni旗下的餐厅...
eventually taking on the role of Chef at Le V restaurant in 2014, and then of Chef at L’Orangerie restaurant where, in 2017, he was awarded his first Michelin star. In 2018, Chef Bizet moved on to join the team at Paris’s storied Le Taillevent restaurant, where he received his secon...
屋顶餐厅吧。rooftop是屋顶的意思。发达国家,特别是美国,地价很高,所以就出现了一系列的屋顶产业,例如rooftop parking屋顶停车场 rooftop garden 屋顶花园
Location Rooftop, restaurant accessible to the disabled. Hours L'Oiseau Blanc is open every day for lunch from 12:00pm to 2:00pm and for dinner from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Dress Code Chic and Elegant We welcome your four-legged furry guest (one dog per person) up to 7kg ...
📍RH Rooftop Restaurant位于纽约的Meatpacking区域,靠近Chelsea Market,是一间超美超好看的屋顶餐厅。喜欢室内设计、家具设计和建筑的朋友们,千万不要错过哦!🌟RH是Restoration Hardware,是一家以低调奢华风格闻名的家具公司。RHRooftop是他们的复合式店,餐厅位于这栋建筑的五楼,一、二、四楼是家具店,三楼是酒吧。
🌆 探索纽约最美的rooftop餐厅——RH Rooftop Restaurant! 📍 地址:9 9th Ave, New York, NY 10014RH Rooftop Restaurant不仅仅是一家餐厅,它隶属于加州家具公司Restoration Hardware,内部陈列着各种家居用品、家具、五金件、卫浴产品和园艺产品,仿佛走进了一个充满北美风情的家居秀场。这里的设计充满复古韵味,20世纪...