Romeo and Juliet(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》),一般认为是悲剧,但是全剧中浓郁的抒情色彩和青春气息使它掺杂着浓厚的喜剧成分,所以大概是莎翁浪漫主义抒情色彩最浓的一部悲剧…作者,William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚),1564年4月26日-1616年4月23日,英国文学史上最杰出
In theopeningsceneof the modern adaptation of "RomeoandJuliet"‚ the qualities of the feuding families: The Montagues and The Capulets are successfully exposed to the audience by the use of presentational devices. The director‚BazLuhrmann‚ has paid deliberate attention to these areas...
🥀 Romeo and Juliet: the tomb scene 先前提到过,补充一些「罗密欧与朱丽叶中,墓室戏」的相关描摹。 “我要在这儿永久安息下来,从我这厌倦人世的凡躯上挣脱厄运的束缚。眼睛,瞧你的最后一眼吧!手臂,做你最...
William Shakespeare's tragic tale of love and death goes like this: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, of the houses of Montague and Capulet, are sworn enemies. The opening scene finds Samson, Tybalt, and gregory (of the Capulet family), quarreling with Balthasar, Abraham, and Benvlio (of...
Romeo and Juliet: With Alessandra Ferri, Wayne Eagling, David Drew, Leslie Edwards. Performance of ballet by The Royal Ballet, recorded at Covent Garden, July 1984.
When Romeo is banished, rather than executed, and Friar Laurence offers Juliet a plan to reunite her with Romeo, the audience can still hope that all will end well. They are in a "breathless state of suspense" by the opening of the last scene in the tomb: If Romeo is delayed long ...
The Romeo and Juliet balcony scene is one of the most famous moments in all of Shakespeare's work. Explore the balcony scene through an analysis of the major plot points and discover its significance to the narrative. Updated: 11/21/2023 ...
and could even have been an asset in a Shakespearean comedy, but he is not right here. There are meant to be a few laughs in Romeo and Juliet, but not from some inept twerp. His inclusion in the opening brawl (the lines he speaks here belong to another character) is ridiculous, and...
See Romeo and Juliet: Act III Scene 5 to Act IV Scene 1's production, company, and contact information. Explore Romeo and Juliet: Act III Scene 5 to Act IV Scene 1's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPr
See Romeo and Juliet: Act III Scene 5 to Act IV Scene 1's production, company, and contact information. Explore Romeo and Juliet: Act III Scene 5 to Act IV Scene 1's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPr