nameServer: the name server of RocketMQ; threadCount: the thread number of underlying C++ logic; maxBatchSize: message max batch size; logFileNum: C++ core logic log file number, default to 3 and log file path is$HOME/logs/rocketmq-cpp; ...
Back-end em Node.js desenvolvido durante o NLW Unite da Rocketseat - nlw-unite-nodejs/package-lock.json at main · rocketseat-education/nlw-unite-nodejs
4) 查看promethues日志是否有报错 systemctl status prometheus -l 至此,promethues的node-exporter和rocketmq-exporterr已经配置完成,后面将配置grafana面板。 快送门:各种学习资料与大厂招聘 博主:测试生财(一个不为996而996的测开码农) 座右铭:专注测试开发与自动化运维,努力读书思考写作,为内卷的人生奠定财务自由。
varroot = path.resolve('.');varserver = http.createServer((request, response) =>{console.log(`[Rocka Node Server]${request.method}:${request.url}`);// path name in urlvarpathName = url.parse(request.url).pathname;// file path based on operation systemvarfilePath = path.join(root, ...
}else{returnfail(request.status); } } }'GET',`/api/music-record`); request.send(); } 这次还是用了原生的XMLHttpRequest。这样让我发现了一个小细节问题。 之前一直用 jQ 的 ajax 方法,大概要这样写: $.ajax({url:'/api/music-record',mehtod:'GET',contentType:'application/json...
{"user":{"_id":"nSYqWzZ4GsKTX4dyK","type":"user","status":"offline","active":true,"name":"Example User","utcOffset":0,"username":"example"},"success":true} list this.rocketChatClient.users.list(offset,count,function(err,body){});this.rocketChatClient.users.list(function(err,body...
/home/ubuntu/Rocket.Chat/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/future.js:313 throw(ex); ^ MongoError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect at Object.Future.wait (/home/ubuntu/Rocket.Chat/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/future.js:449:15) at new MongoConnection (pa...
Steps to reproduce OR Actual behavior: If the rocket stops working, and the node is at 100% then need to do docker-compose down and docker-compose up to bring RC with normal status Expected behavior: rocket stops working Server Setup Information: ...
- job_name: broker-server static_configs: #broker-master节点 - targets: [''] labels: instance: broker-a-m #broker-slave节点 - targets: [''] labels: instance: broker-a-s 配置rocketmq_exporter 执行:vim /usr/local/prometheus/prometheus.yml ...
Server Nettop Changelog License Highlights Fast. Probably the fastest. Supports multiple and negative patterns. Synchronous, Promise and Stream API. Object mode. Can return more than just strings. Error-tolerant. Pattern syntax ⚠️ Always use forward-slashes in glob expressions (patterns and igno...