The general objective is the study, through scientific approaches, of the main components of immunological risks linked to red blood cell transfusions, as well as their consequences, in order to define precise rules for prevention, taking into account that 2 700 000 units were transfused in ...
transfusion sanguineInitial hemovigilance data confirm the incidence and severity of transfusion reactions due to the bacterial contamination of blood components (TRBC). With 18 deaths reported through the French hemovigilance network over the past 5 years, bacterial risks represent one of the major ...
transfusion riskInitial hemovigilance data confirm the incidence and severity of transfusion reactions due to the bacterial contamination of blood components (TRBCs). With 18 deaths reported through the French hemovigilance network over the past five years, bacterial risks represent one of the major ...
The immunohemolytic safety of the transfusion is defined as all the means which reduce or eliminate the immune hemolysis risks caused by the transfusion of blood components.Given that the immunogenic nature of erythrocyte polymorphism is in variance with the incompatible transfusion, to insure the ...
doi:10.1016/S1140-4639(05)80235-7RougerPh.Revue Francaise De Transfusion Et D & Apos Hemobiologie
doi:10.1016/S0338-9898(03)90089-8Josiane PillonelSyria Laperchede la Sociétéfrançaise de transfusion sanguinelÉtablissement français du sanget le Centre de transfusion sanguine des ArméesElsevier B.V.Revue Franaise des Laboratoires
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Toure-Fall AO, Dieye TN, Sall A, et al (2009) Risque residuel de transmission du VIH et du VHB par transfusion sanguine entre 2003 et 2005 au Centre national de transfusion sanguine de Dakar (Senegal). Transfus Clin Biol 16(5-6):439-43...
Sow, F.BMagassouba, MCamara, M.ABaldé. (2004) Évaluation du risque infectieux résiduel chez les donneurs de sang au Centre national de transfusion sanguine de Conakry. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 11 , 98-100 /Loua A, Sow EM, Magassouba FB, Camara M, Balde MA. E´...