The article presents information on the films shown at the Telluride film festival in Colorado in 2002. Alexander Sokurov's "Russian Ark," which opens in the United States in November 2002, explores the 300-year-long history of the Hermitage museum in a single "breath," an uncut 90-minute...
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问题描述:宝宝2岁多4个月,自从1岁半断奶后就开始吸下嘴唇,请问对牙齿和嘴唇有影响么?(女,2岁) 病情分析:暂时没太大事儿,只是如果时间久了可能就会影响,如果方便的话,可以去口腔医院的正畸科咨询一下,现在一般没有太大问题。患者咨询记录 医生回复仅为建议,进一步确诊请到线下医院 宝宝2岁多4个月,自从1岁半...