all right 正当morally good 1. [nubn] ~ (to do sth) 正当;妥当morally good or acceptable; correct according to law or a person's duty 真实;正确true/correct 2. 正确的;真正的;真实的true or correct as a fact 3. 适当的;正好的;恰当的correct for a particular situation or thing, or for ...
right[rait] 学习资料 [意 思]adj. 正确的 [例]She was right in her answer. 她答对了。 adj. 右边的 [例]Most people write with their right hands. 多数人用右手写字。 adj. 适当的,恰当的 [例]He's the right man for the position. 他担任这个职务最合适。
美[raɪt] 英[raɪt] v.纠正;整理;扶直;使复权 adj.右;不错的;正确的;真的 adv.立刻;向右侧;适当地;恰好地 n.右侧;【军】右翼;右边的东西;〈美〉【海】右舷 网络算为正了 第三人称单数:rights现在分词:righting过去式:righted 搭配
right使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动等方面的正确。 true暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件丝毫不差。 correct最常用词,主要指按一定标准或规则来衡量,没有谬误和差错或无缺点错误。 英语解释 in the right manner an interjection expressing agreement ...
Then, stooping down and taking up the gold-and-purple hanging, he flung it right over the picture. 我翻译为: 他俯身拾起紫金帷幕,甩开正正盖住画像。 结果被编辑圈出来了: 理由是: “正正”我搜了一下,发现很少用到,也不是很确定。 从语法上分析,right 是副词,修饰介宾短语 over the picture,表示...
The meaning of RIGHT is righteous, upright. How to use right in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Right.
First base is on the right side of the infield as viewed from home plate. He’s deaf in his right ear. in a satisfactory state; in good order: to put things right. sound, sane, or normal: to be in one's right mind; She wasn't right in her head when she made the will. ...
Right 和correct 都可以表示“正确”的意思,也可以通用。但在用法上还是有差异的。1.right是最普通的用词,主要指道义方面的事物,是“道德上正当”的意思。常常暗含着要合乎道德上的许可或准许的意思。一般指正当的行为、理由、意见等。同时,它也可指工作、机会等是“恰当的”、“顺利的”。并含有“可取”,...