《瑞克与莫蒂 Rick and Morty》全集资源网盘链接:美剧动画《瑞克与莫蒂 Rick and Morty》全集资源网盘链接提取码:https://www.dgyejia.com/baidupan rick and morty 百度云网盘,一到六七季百度云盘。mp4高清英文原版英语剧集。 RaM 1-7全季 中英文双语字幕/纯英文/无字幕英文版 Rick and Morty 1080p中英文字...
Morty, find your grandfather 我会去跟我们家的客人谈谈 while go I talk to our houseguest 杰瑞 付毒贩钱 Jerry, pay the dealer. 我其实比较喜欢被称为"药剂师" Yeah, I prefer the term pharmacist. 他们也是 So do they! 你有没有… Any chance you have... 抱歉 我的钱包放在外太空 Sorry, I ...
NC粉拜吧报道 2176126 rickandmorty吧 丶观岚 Rick and Morty第三季第五集百度云下载 分享2610 最后的深渊吧 stw羊洋 大哥了,新的一集RICK AND MORTY真是牛逼炸了 要还拍九季我就买张票去美国然后跪在制作本部门口磕三个头,这片子是真神作我靠。 分享162 瑞克和莫蒂吧 team14doom Rick and Morty 第...
这些集点卡太假了 莫蒂 我不接受 This stinks to high heaven Morty, I’m not accepting these. 我就知道你会不认帐 I knew you were going to do this. 所以我保留了证据 我有做成纪录 So I got receipts, bitch. I kept notes. 这根本乱写一通 "莫蒂龙之岛" ...
免费在线预览全文 嘿…瑞克 Hey, Rick! 需要我跟你一起探险吗 Need me for any adventures? -什么 -探险啊 Adventures? -记得吗 -是 我现在没空 莫蒂 Remember those? Not right now, Morty! 但下星期绝对没问题 But definitely next week though. 你最近一直这样讲 You been saying that a while now bu...
Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第七季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,有人在吗 Hello? 有人在吗 Hello? -你好 杰瑞 -奶奶 Hello, Jerry. - Nana! 你准备好要走向这道光了吗 Are you ready to come to the light? 我不确定 爷爷呢 I’m not sure. Where’s Pop Pop?
Popybutthole 这是《瑞克和莫蒂》第七季 and this is Rick and Morty Season 7. 《瑞克和莫蒂》 第七季第一集 嘿 兄弟 Hey buddy. 我带了咖啡来给你 Brought you a coffee. 我可以合成咖啡 你不需要找借口来见我 I can synthesize coffee. You don’t need to make excuses to come see me... 我...
Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第七季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《瑞克和莫蒂》 第七季第十集[季终] 我要把你的脾脏扯出来喂你老公吃 Im gonna rip out your spleen and feed it to your husband! 那可不行 Wouldnt want that. 天啊 莫蒂 Morty, 我们得趁它知道
毕竟不是所有人都具备瑞克宇宙第一的智商和无所不能的能力,除瑞克以外的人只有像原 分享回复19 瑞克和莫蒂吧 team14doom Rick and Morty 第七集中英双字已出RT 分享23赞 瑞克和莫蒂吧 AG美剧 #Rick And Morty#看见平行时空死掉的自己, Morty完全吓傻了 虽然是动画片,但看到 Morty被吓傻的这一幕觉得好真实...
Rick is a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. Their escapades often have potentially harmful consequences for their family and the rest of the world. Join Rick and Morty on AdultSwim.com as they trek through alternate