Section 2 places Romanticism in general and musical Romanticism in particular into the wider context of the early modern debate about the respective merits and demerits of ancient and modern art and culture. Section 3 introduces Wagner as an innovative theoretician and practitioner of Romantic-era ...
Richard Wagner, Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann were German Romantic composers who made valuable contributions to this era of music in different ways. Explore the definition of German Romanticism and the biographies of these three musicians. Related...
Romanticist: belonging to or characteristic of Romanticism or the Romantic Movement in the arts; romantic; Romanticistic. –For wine romanticists, that means the Bordeaux that Thomas Jefferson enjoyed on his visits to the region in the 1780s were probably not primarily cabernet. Romanticistic: be...
music romanticismunitymythorganic growth (WerdenThe romantics ideal of the arts collaboration (Mischgedichte) finds its most substantial equivalent in Richard Wagners (1813-1883) total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk). This theory for the restoration of the lost unity of arts was elaborated in many ...
Romanticism Show More Richard Strauss(born June 11, 1864, Munich, Germany—died September 8, 1949, Garmisch-Partenkirchen) was an outstanding GermanRomanticcomposer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Hissymphonic poemsof the 1890s and his operas of the following decade have remained an in...