Rice大學經典純潔度測試 本測試改編自美國萊斯大學編制的Rice Purity Test,測試通過考察對一些日常生活中事情的選擇判斷被測者的單純程度,得分越高表明測試者越純潔,最初用來做大學新生的入學測試,但目前已經作為日常娛樂測試被廣泛傳播。 本測試對一些不符合東方文化的題目進行了刪除和修改,對于某些涉及兩性關系的題目,...
该测评来自于莱斯大学编制的 Rice Purity Test(莱斯纯洁度测试)是一种由莱斯大学学生开发的在线测试,旨在衡量参与者的「纯洁度」或「无辜度」。该测试包含100个有关参与者生活中的各种经验和行为的问题,这些问题根据其社交和性行为、饮食和健康、个人安全、消费和娱乐等方面进行分类。
as well as to introduce more transparency between them. TheRice Purity Testis frequently used by college students to playfully share and contrast their diverse life experiences. It is critical to know that this test lacks scientific accuracy and is not a valid indicator of an individual's ethical...
Take the Rice Purity test right now! This 100-question test about your social and private life will let you know your purity score.
翻译结果: 'Rice Purity Test' 的英文版就是 'Rice Purity Test'。这是一个通常用于大学新生之间,测试他们在性、药物、犯罪和其他成人活动方面的经验程度的问卷。 应用场景: 'Rice Purity Test' 通常在大学或青春期的社交场合中被用作一种娱乐方式。它可以帮助人们了解自己和同龄...
Rice purity test Is made for the users in 1920s to check the purity and impurity level rice-university rice-purity-test test-of-purity Updated Oct 1, 2022 bindragonv / rice-purity-test Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests rice-purity-test Updated Jun 21, 2024 officialujjwalkumar /...
Rice Purity Test is a 100-question survey that assesses the participants’ supposed degree of innocence in worldly matters. Take this test now to reveal how innocent you are!
The world famous purity test! Kaung Khant Kyaw Designed for iPhone Free iPhone Screenshots Description Originally introduced as college-level survey created by Rice University in 1924 for a student to check the purity and innocence of a student and making a good bonding with their seniors, it has...
Simulation test of hybrid rice production demonstrated that the purity of hybrid rice would be improved greatly by using leaf colour as a marker to eliminate the false hybrid rice at early stage.───模拟杂交稻生产和制种繁种,表明利用苗期叶色标记结合人工去杂,可有效提高田间纯度。
Rice purity test Is made for the users in 1920s to check the purity and impurity level - Ricecoder001/ricepuritytest