圣诞节手工FLASH动画折纸教程——Ribbon(丝带) 圣诞节手工FLASH动画折纸教程——Ribbon(丝带) 欢迎关注61DIY巧巧手幼儿手工网微信(微信号:my61diy)
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a白宫公布今年圣诞节装饰的主题“闪耀、付出、分享”。由于1日是世界艾滋病日,白宫在后门悬吊大型红丝带装饰,提醒民众防治艾滋病的重要性。 The White House announces the subject which this year Christmas day decorates “the sparkle, puts in, the share”.Because 1st is the world aids day, the White ...