RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) object tracking receives more and more attention due to the strongly complementary benefits of thermal information to visible data. However, RGB-T research is limited by lacking a comprehensive evaluation platform. In this paper, we propose a large-scale video benchmark ...
内容提示: SUBMISSION TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING 1RGB-T Object Tracking: Benchmark and BaselineChenglong Li, Xinyan Liang, Yijuan Lu, Nan Zhao, and Jin TangAbstract—RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) object tracking receivesmore and more attention due to the strongly complementarybenef i ts of...
RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) object tracking receives more and more attention due to the strongly complementary benefits of thermal information to visible data. How... NTJ Li - 《Pattern Recognition the Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society》 被引量: ...
in RGB-T Object Tracking:Benchmark and Baseline The RGBT234 dataset is a comprehensive video dataset specifically designed for RGB-T (Red-Green-Blue and Thermal) tracking purposes. This dataset addresses the limitations of existing datasets like OSU-CT, LITIV, and GTOT in terms of size. ...
[6]LI C L,CHENG H,HU S Y,et al.Learning collaborative sparse representation for grayscale-thermal tracking[J].IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2016,25(99):5743-5756. [7]LI C L,LIANG X Y,LU Y J,et al.RGB-T object tracking:Bench...
In recent years, many RGB-THERMAL tracking methods have been proposed to meet the needs of single object tracking under different conditions. However, these trackers are based on ANCHOR-BASED algorithms and feature cross-correlation operations, making it
Li, C., Liang, X., Lu, Y., Zhao, N., & Tang, J., (2019) RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline. Pattern Recognition 96(12), 106,977 Li, C., Liu, L., Lu, A., Ji, Q., & Tang, J., (2020) Challenge-aware RGBT tracking. In: European Conference on Computer Vis...
RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline, Pattern Recognition 2019, Li, Chenglong et al., [PDF] Cross-Modal Pattern-Propagation for RGB-T Tracking, CVPR2020, Chaoqun Wang et al., [PDF]About A collection of deep learning based RGB-T-Fusion methods, codes, and datasets. The main dir...
RGBT-234: Chenglong Li, Xinyan Liang, Yijuan Lu, Nan Zhao, Jin Tang. RGB-T Object Tracking: Benchmark and Baseline. InPR(96), 2019.[Paper][Project][Dataset] VOT-RGBT: Matej Kristan, Jiri Matas, Ales Leonardiset al.The Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results. InICCV...
In visible and thermal infrared tracking(RGB-T), to effectively merge these two modalities building on traditional tracking techniques, this study introduces an attention-based RGB-T tracking approach based on the attention mechanism. This method employs the attention mechanism to augment and integrate...