RGB + Alpha is greyed out unless I go to something else like AIFF then back to RGB + Alpha. Why does it matter? Because I cannot have the transparent background and use whatever I have w/ no background as an "overlay" which is the Whole point of this th...
web-line-chart-small-multiple-all-group-greyed-out_files web-line-chart-with-labels-at-end-of-line_files web-lineplots-and-area-chart-the-economist_files web-lollipop-plot-with-R-the-office_files web-ridgeline-plot-with-inside-plot-and-annotations_files web-scatterplot-and-gg...
web-line-chart-small-multiple-all-group-greyed-out.Rmd web-line-chart-small-multiple-all-group-greyed-out.html web-line-chart-with-labels-at-end-of-line.Rmd web-line-chart-with-labels-at-end-of-line.html web-lineplots-and-area-chart-the-economist.Rmd web-lineplots-and-area...
RGB + Alpha is greyed out unless I go to something else like AIFF then back to RGB + Alpha. Why does it matter? Because I cannot have the transparent background and use whatever I have w/ no background as an "overlay" which is the Whole point of this th...